Mary J. Y. Harris

Standard Name: Harris, Mary J. Y.


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Education Frances Mary Peard
However, according to her biographer, Mary J. Y. Harris , she was largely self-taught. Her mother never restricted her reading, and she later remembered tackling at an early age such classics as Scott , Shakespeare
Literary responses Frances Mary Peard
Mary J. Y. Harris ranks Near Neighbours among FMP 's most popular titles. Another of these, according to Harris, was Contradictions, 1883, of which a copy was offered for sale in 2006 at a...
Literary responses Christabel Coleridge
Mary J. Y. Harris (biographer of Frances Mary Peard ) regarded An English Squire as CC 's best novel, though she also mentioned Lady Betty (her first), Max, Fritz, and Hob, 1892, and The...
Literary responses Margaret Roberts
Mary J. Y. Harris , biographer of Frances Mary Peard , calls this MR 's best-known novel, and says it was a favourite with Queen Victoria .
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
16, 63
Literary responses Margaret Roberts
Mary J. Y. Harris in 1930 pronounced MR the most brilliant of the group of women writers who lived at Torquy in Devon during the 1860s and later.
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
More recently Gillian Avery has found...
Textual Production Frances Mary Peard
Her biographer Harris found her moral too heavy-handed, and Alicia's engagement and marriage quite unnecessary as well as miserable.
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
She also found Alicia's death hard to take, but she admired the treatment of...


No timeline events available.


Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.