On 15 October 1579 ES
told his long-standing friend Gabriel Harvey
that he had struck up a friendship with two more young men who cared about literature, Sir Philip Sidney
and Edward Dyer
. He...
Textual Production
Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke
It seems that the Countess of Pembroke began writing only after her brother's death, and in connection with her project for preserving his memory.
Waller, Gary F. Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke: A Critical Study of Her Writings and Literary Milieu. University of Salzburg, http://BLC.
Her oeuvre is various rather than cohesive. The bulk of...
10 April 1579: E. K. dated the epistle to Gabriel Harvey...
Writing climate item
10 April 1579
E. K. dated the epistle to Gabriel Harvey
which prefaced the youthful Edmund Spenser
's cycle of eclogues, The Shepheardes Calender. It was published with this year's date, which at the time included the...