Blake Morrison

Standard Name: Morrison, Blake


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Anthologization Fleur Adcock
The Penguin Book of Contemporary British Poetry, edited by Blake Morrison and Andrew Motion , included FA among its poets.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Anthologization Medbh McGuckian
MMG has been invited to contribute poems to many anthologies. Early in her career, her work was included in the influential Contemporary British Poetry, edited by Blake Morrison and Andrew Motion and published by...
Literary responses Deborah Moggach
Reviewing editors were apparently sanguine enough to issue this new novel for review to up-and-coming male writers. Blake Morrison welcomed it as funny, affectionate, and unpretentious, while A. N. Wilson implied that it had no...
Literary responses Michèle Roberts
In the Times Literary Supplement review, the poet Blake Morrison declined to recognize MR 's efforts to articulate female subjectivity. He discounted the male dominated nature of literary milieus and justified resistance like his own...
Literary responses Elaine Feinstein
Another poet, Blake Morrison , reviewed this book The Guardian and called it pleasingly brief, even-tempered and unsensationalist. He credited Feinstein with avoiding either the glib or the punitive in her handling of the thorny...
Literary responses Antonia Fraser
Blake Morrison found this book rich in humour, intimate without being confessional.
Morrison, Blake. “review of <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Must You Go?</span&gt”;. Guardian Weekly, p. 39.
Literary responses Seamus Heaney
Blake Morrison judged this to be a religious book and no getting round it—intense, superstitious, pantheistic, even mystical, and at times very difficult to decipher, a book that gives us a rather different poet from...
Literary responses Seamus Heaney
Blake Morrison wrote that in The School Bag the editors seem almost too scrupulous for their own good: smiling public men rather than disaffected boys muck[ing] about at the back of the class.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
4906 (11 April 1997): 23
Reception Seamus Heaney
Unusually for a poet, SH sold copies of his works in the thousands. A critical study by Blake Morrison appeared in 1982.
Fox, Margaret, and James McKinley. “Keeper of the Irish Essence”. The Globe and Mail, p. S12.
Heaney was a founding member of Aosdana , and an Honorary Fellow of...
Reception Elizabeth Jennings
In the Times Literary SupplementPeter Redgrove welcomed EJ as a good rather than a great poet, lyrical, metaphysical, and psychologically penetrating, a very accomplished writer of short pieces.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
2705 (4 December 1953): 778


May 1981: A serial killer of prostitutes, Peter Sutcliffe,...

Building item

May 1981

A serial killer of prostitutes, Peter Sutcliffe, whom the media called the Yorkshire Ripper, was found guilty on thirteen charges.


Morrison, Blake. “In Confessional Circles”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4000, p. 1404.
Morrison, Blake. “Keeper of a Stubborn Faith”. Guardian Weekly.
Morrison, Blake. “review of <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Must You Go?</span&gt”;. Guardian Weekly, p. 39.