The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
George Crabbe
Standard Name: Crabbe, George
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Education | Jean Rhys | At a very young age, JR
imagined that God was a book. She was so slow to read that her parents were concerned, but then suddenly found herself able to read even the longer words... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Anne Damer | Her father, Henry Seymour Conway
, was an army officer who rose to be Field-Marshal. His distinguished military career was matched by his services to Whig politics. His literary interests made him a friend of... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Alethea Lewis | He was aged twenty-one, an apprentice apothecary. His friend George Crabbe
wrote his epitaph for Framlingham church. |
Friends, Associates | Mary Leadbeater | While in England ML
visited Edmund Burke
at Beaconsfield. He had attended school and university with her father and had been taught by her grandfather; he made his final visit to Ballitore in 1786... |
Friends, Associates | Eliza Fletcher | Eliza Dawson set herself to achieve a real friendship with Yearsley
, who however was touchy about it, and took it on herself to lecture Eliza about her taste for novels, condemning them as the... |
Friends, Associates | Alethea Lewis | Through her fiancé Levett, AL
was a friend of George Crabbe
(who met his future wife, Sarah Elmy
, through her). He wrote to her during her youth, assigning her the name of Stella... |
Friends, Associates | Evelyn Sharp | Others with whom she shared this or that memorable experience were the Meynells (Wilfrid
, Alice
, and Viola
), Clarence Rook
and his wife, and Henry W. Nevinson
, whom she eventually married... |
Friends, Associates | Joanna Baillie | On 11 May 1812 Henry Crabb Robinson
recorded in his diary meeting JB
and other women writers on a visit to Miss Benjers (Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
). In his account of this pleasant evening... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Hester Lynch Piozzi | This book influenced George Crabbe
's English Synonymes Explained, 1816. It is also likely that Roget
, author of the most famous nineteenth- or twentieth-century thesis, also knew it. |
Intertextuality and Influence | Barbara Hofland | BH
's Daniel Dennison; or, The Autobiography of A Country Apothecary (inspired by George Crabbe
's Annals of the Parish) and The Cumberland Statesman were posthumously published together as Daniel Dennison; and, The Cumberland Statesman. British Library Catalogue. Butts, Dennis. Mistress of our Tears, A Literary and Bibliographical Study of Barbara Hofland. Scolar Press, 1992. 94-5 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Ann Kelty | After a preface on the subject of religion in fiction, an introductory chapter announces (though it anticipates the reader may lose interest here) that the narrator of the novel is to be a spinster of... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Maria Edgeworth | This fine novel shows many of the familiar features of Edgeworth's longer fiction. She took the basic plot-line from a poem by George Crabbe
, The Confidant. She makes of it a highly intertextual... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Sylvia Townsend Warner | This lengthy poem, written in couplets, was modelled on the works of George Crabbe
. It was in a form mid-way between the short story and satirical verse. According to Claire Harman
, the poem... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mary Savage | |
Intertextuality and Influence | Christina Rossetti | Her early work and the passages she copied into her mother's commonplace-book show the influence of Tennyson
and Wordsworth
; she also acknowledged the impact of Gray
and Crabbe
, and wrote several poems inspired... |
29 October 1807: George Crabbe published Poems, including...
Writing climate item
29 October 1807
George Crabbe
published Poems, including the important group of pieces about local life entitled The Parish Register.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.
By March 1810: George Crabbe published The Borough, a poem...
Writing climate item
By March 1810
George Crabbe
published The Borough, a poem in twenty-four letters about life in a country town.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
3rd ser. 19 (1810): 335
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
By September 1812: George Crabbe published Tales in Verse....
Writing climate item
By September 1812
George Crabbe
published Tales in Verse.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
(1812) 82: 241
By April 1819: George Crabbe published another collection...
Writing climate item
By April 1819
George Crabbe
published another collection of narrative poems: Tales of the Hall.
Quarterly Review. J. Murray.
21 (1819): 560
7 June 1945: Peter Grimes, Benjamin Britten's opera based...
Building item
7 June 1945
Peter Grimes, Benjamin Britten
's opera based on a poem by George Crabbe
, premiered at Sadler's Wells Theatre
, London.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Nettel, Reginald. The Orchestra in England: A Social History. Jonathan Cape, 1956.
Harewood, George Henry Hubert Lascelles, Earl of, editor. Kobbé’s Complete Opera Book. 10th ed., Bodley Head, 1987.
Crabbe, George. Selected Letters and Journals. Editors Faulkner, Thomas C. and Rhonda L. Blair, Clarendon Press, 1985.
Crabbe, George. The Complete Poetical Works. Editors Dalrymple-Champneys, Norma and Arthur Pollard, Clarendon Press, 1988, 3 vols.