Cassell plc


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Una Troubridge
By 1925 UT was working as a reader of manuscripts for Cassells and for Radclyffe Hall 's agent Audrey Heath . She had also begun reviewing books for the Sunday Times.
Ormrod, Richard. Una Troubridge: The Friend of Radclyffe Hall. Carroll and Graf, 1985.
Cline, Sally. Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John. John Murray, 1997.
201, 234
Employer Dorothy Boulger
During the first two of these years she also worked at Cassell 's, under G. Manville Fenn .
Who Was Who. A. and C. Black, 1897–2025, Many volumes.
Literary responses Edith Mary Moore
Advertising this book in 1910, Cassell said: Mrs. Moore has introduced us to some charming people, and elaborated her own intelligent theories about Life, and Love, and Art very gracefully. Advertisements included one in The...
Material Conditions of Writing L. T. Meade
The year after the USA passed the International Copyright Act, LTM published her first adult novel, The Medicine Lady, for Cassell 's International Series (with, she said, Edgar Beaumont as anonymous collaborator).
British Library Catalogue.
Black, Helen C. Pen, Pencil, Baton and Mask: Biographical Sketches. Spottiswoode, 1896.
Material Conditions of Writing Janet Hamilton
Because of the pressures of family and economic circumstances, she did not publish until the age of fifty-four, when she began contributing to Cassell 's Working Man's Friend.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
After she became blind in her...
Publishing Margaret Kennedy
The publication of her seventh novel marked her move from Heinemann to Cassell . Virago reissued this novel as part of its Modern Classics series in 1981 with an introduction by Kennedy's author-daughter, Julia Birley
Publishing Isa Craig
Published by Cassell, Petter, and Galpin , this reached a fifth edition by 1880.
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Edith Mary Moore
Her full name (Edith Mary Croucher Moore) appears in connection with this book in OCLC WorldCat though not on its title-page. Cassell advertised it in the TLS repeatedly until early June,
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(14 January 1909): 11; (3 June 1909): 205; (10 June 1909): 213
Publishing Edith Mary Moore
Again Cassell placed advertisements in the TLS, but only for a couple of weeks this time.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(21 October 1909): 389
OCLC WorldCat lists (in 2010) just two copies: in the British Library and the...
Publishing Harriet Smythies
HS continued to issue novels in rapid succession over the next few years. In 1850, as the author of Cousin Geoffrey, she published Courtship and Wedlock; or, Lovers and Husbands. She called herself...
Publishing May Sinclair
Book One of MS 's modernist novel Mary Olivier: A Life was serialised in The Little Review; in the same year the whole work was published by Cassell .
Zegger, Hrisey Dimitrakis. May Sinclair. Twayne, 1976.
Boll, Theophilus E. M. Miss May Sinclair: Novelist: A Biographical and Critical Introduction. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1973.
Publishing Hester Lynch Piozzi
HLP was a voluminous letter-writer all her life. Though scholarly estimates differ, there is no doubt that thousands of her letters survive. The first selection appeared in print in 1833. Many early editions, however, had...
Publishing Emmuska Baroness Orczy
When finished, the book was refused by a round dozen of publishers in London. It drew a fatal rejection slip from Macmillan , Heinemann (where the managing director told her to bring it back if...
Publishing Sarah Grand
It took her three years to find a publisher willing to take on its controversial subject-matter.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
Blackwood refused it. George Meredith , as a reader for Chapman and Hall , rejected it, advising SG
Publishing Angela Brazil
AB began writing very young. Her earliest poem was probably The Dying Child's Last Words (When I lie sleeping in my grave, / Dear friends, remember me),
qtd. in
Freeman, Gillian. The Schoolgirl Ethic: The Life and Work of Angela Brazil. Allen Lane, 1976.
closely followed by The Kitten's...


1 July 1848: John Cassell established the publishing firm...

Writing climate item

1 July 1848

John Cassell established the publishing firm of John Cassell in London with the first issue of a weekly newspaper, the Standard of Freedom.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 106. Gale Research, 1991.
106: 72, 82

1 July 1848: John Cassell established the publishing firm...

Writing climate item

1 July 1848

John Cassell established the publishing firm of John Cassell in London with the first issue of a weekly newspaper, the Standard of Freedom.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 106. Gale Research, 1991.
106: 72, 82

1 February 1890: William Heinemann founded his own publishing...

Writing climate item

1 February 1890

William Heinemann founded his own publishing house at 21 Bedford Street, London.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 112. Gale Research, 1991.
Mumby, Frank Arthur, and Ian Norrie. Mumby’s Publishing and Bookselling in the Twentieth Century. 6th ed., Bell and Hyman, 1982.

1904: Aliens of the West, by Charlotte O'Conor...

Women writers item


Aliens of the West, by Charlotte O'Conor Eccles writing as The Author of The Rejuvenation of Miss Semaphore, was published by Cassell .
British Library Catalogue.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.

1907: Helen Wallace published through Cassell her...

Women writers item


Helen Wallace published through Cassell her novel The Coming of Isobel, using her own name.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.

1930: The Book-Collector's Quarterly, founded by...

Writing climate item


The Book-Collector's Quarterly, founded by A. J. A. Symons and Desmond Flower , began publication.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
British Library Catalogue.
Drabble, Margaret, and Jenny Stringer, editors. The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature. Oxford University Press, 1987.

1933: Cassell published In the Midst of the Years,...

Women writers item


Cassell published In the Midst of the Years, a novel by Joan Sutherland .
British Library Catalogue.

1941: Rosalind Wade's novel A Man of Promise was...

Women writers item


Rosalind Wade 's novel A Man of Promise was published by Cassell .
British Library Catalogue.

1942: Bracelet for Julia appeared from Rosalind...

Women writers item


Bracelet for Julia appeared from Rosalind Wade , one of her several publications with Cassell .
British Library Catalogue.


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