

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Grace Aguilar
GA 's writings treat in detail the Jewish faith to which she strongly adhered, and she often focuses on the persecution and prejudice which Jews suffered throughout the nineteenth century, as well as historically. As...
Family and Intimate relationships Grace Aguilar
According to the matriarchal traditions of her culture, Sarah (Dias Fernandes) Aguilar
The name is sometimes spelled Diaz.
passed on to Grace the oral traditions of the Sephardic crypto-Jews' experiences of the expulsion and the...
Literary Setting Ann Radcliffe
The Italian has been read as an answer to The Monk by Lewis , a vindication of terror (assaults on the nerves, the strain of threatened but imperfectly perceived danger) against horror (sexual obsession and...
Literary Setting Grace Aguilar
The Fugitive, from the 1845 Book of Beauty, outlines the plight of Portuguese Jews in the mid-eighteenth century under the Inquisition , through the medium of a love story. It writes somewhat archly...
Literary Setting Grace Aguilar
One of these tales, entitled The Escape, features Almah, a Jewish wife in Portugal who cross-dresses in order to infiltrate the Inquisition and engineer the escape of her husband, who has been betrayed and...
Material Conditions of Writing Katharine Evans
KE wrote from her Inquisition prison in Malta a personal, religious letter to her husband and children in England.
She calls it the eleventh month of 1661, which most probably means January 1662, counting from...
Occupation Katharine Evans
In Malta, an island whose Roman Catholicism the Quaker women regarded as idolatrous, they were warned by the British Consul that they ran a risk, if they engaged in missionary activity, of arrest by...
politics Mary Ward
A warrant from the Inquisition for MW 's arrest as a heretic, schismatic, and rebel to the Holy Church
qtd. in
Chambers, Mary Catharine Elizabeth. The Life of Mary Ward (1585-1645). Editor Coleridge, Henry James, Burns and Oates, 1882, 2 vols.
2: 334
caught up with her at Munich and she was imprisoned at the Anger Convent...
Textual Features Grace Aguilar
The martyr named in the title is a Spanish Jew named Marie, who refuses to convert despite her love for an English Catholic man, and the further inducements represented by the torture of the Inquisition
Textual Features Mrs F. C. Patrick
In the later stages of the novel, Anthony is in love with Lady Maria, an unrecorded daughter of Mary, Queen of Scots (a plot twist which must ultimately be owed to Sophia Lee and The...
Textual Features Catherine Gore
Greville is a shy young English nobleman, who in the first volume enters high Parisian society and is attracted by French ladies. He then discovers what he takes to be a shameful and terrifying...
Textual Features Roxburghe Lothian
Dante and Beatrice, from 1282 to 1290 reflects RL 's deep knowledge of her subject matter, and she fed her research into many digressions on architecture, culture, and society. Her history of the Baptistery of...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Maria De Fleury
The second part is devoted to France. MDF laments the ancien regime as she sees it, a collection of evils produced by Catholicism : slavery, despotism, the Bastille, and the Inquisition . She identifies...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Catherine Gore
The setting in 1550s Spain was evidently regarded as an attraction. Don Juan is presumed to be a bastard son of the emperor Charles V , who has abdicated and retired to a monastery, leaving...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Elizabeth Inchbald
A Case of Conscience is set in Spain. An only son returns from army service to find his father behaving coldly to him because of a supposed discovery that the young man is not...


15 May 1252: Pope Innocent IV, in his bull Ad exstirpanda,...

National or international item

15 May 1252

Pope Innocent IV , in his bull Ad exstirpanda, authorized the Inquisition 's use of torture as a means of eliciting information and confessions from suspected heretics.
“The Catholic Encyclopedia”. New Advent.
under Inquisition

1478: The medieval institution of the Inquisition...

Building item


The medieval institution of the Inquisition was revived as the Spanish Inquisition at the request of the Spanish royal couple Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon .
Indices of Banned Books.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.

21 July 1542: Pope Paul III revived the medieval inquisition...

Building item

21 July 1542

Pope Paul III revived the medieval inquisition to counter the threat posed to Roman Catholicism by the new Protestant thinking of Martin Luther and John Calvin .
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.

17 February 1600: Giordano Bruno, a Neapolitan philosopher...

Building item

17 February 1600

Giordano Bruno , a Neapolitan philosopher and former Dominican friar, was burned by the Inquisition , apparently less for his support of Copernicus than for his Plato nist and Pantheistic thinking.
Plumptre, C. E. Giordano Bruno. Chapman and Hall, 1884.
89, 286

22 June 1633: A committee of the Holy Office of the Inquisition...

Building item

22 June 1633

A committee of the Holy Office of the Inquisition passed judgement of heresy on Galileo 's Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and Copernican (published in February 1632).
Sobel, Dava. Galileo’s Daughter. Viking, 1999.
273ff, 280-1, 371
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
22 February 2017

8 January 1642: The scientist Galileo died, blind and still...

Building item

8 January 1642

The scientist Galileo died, blind and still under the ban of the Inquisition ; Isaac Newton , who inherited his mantle as leading light in the field of science, was born on Christmas Day of...

9 December 1655: Cromwell issued an edict legally permitting...

National or international item

9 December 1655

Cromwell issued an edict legally permitting Jewish resettlement in England. The Jews had been expelled in 1290, though individuals had now been living in England unofficially for more than a century.
Evelyn, John. The Diary of John Evelyn. Editor De Beer, Esmond Samuel, Oxford University Press, 1959.
Worden, Blair. “Cromwellian England 1649-1660”. Stuart England, edited by Blair Worden, Phaidon, 1986, pp. 123-47.
Kunze, Bonnelyn Young. Margaret Fell and the Rise of Quakerism. Macmillan, 1994.
Alderman, Geoffrey. “Face to Faith”. The Guardian, 31 Dec. 2005, p. 29.

1 November 1755: A major earthquake at Lisbon in Portugal...

National or international item

1 November 1755

A major earthquake at Lisbon in Portugal killed more than 10,000 people (estimates vary), provoking theological debate between Rousseau and Voltaire about the nature of evil.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. Mary; and, The Wrongs of Woman. Editor Kelly, Gary, World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 1980.
28, 211
Mantel, Hilary. “The Real Price of Everything”. London Review of Books, 21 June 2007, pp. 3-6.
King, Kathryn R. “The Young Lady, the Old Maid, and the Lisbon Earthquake”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual conference, 19 Oct. 2017.
The heroine of Wollstonecraft 's first...


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