Communist Party


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Lettice Cooper
The story is set in a town called Aire, which has been variously identified as Leeds and Sheffield. It depicts the socialist movement at a moment of transition: the rich industrialist Marsdens, the old-money...
Education Iris Murdoch
IM was offered a scholarship to continue her studies in the United States, but was unable to accept, as she was denied a visa on the grounds of her former involvement with the Communist Party
Education Iris Murdoch
At the same time as applying for her place at Newnham, she kept her options open by applying for a lectureship at Sheffield University and a place at Vassar in New York State, as...
Family and Intimate relationships Deborah Levy
DL 's father, Norman Levy , was the twin youngest child of Lithuanian immigrants. He was a teacher and an anti-apartheid campaigner: a Communist , a member of organizations like the banned African National Congress
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Pankhurst
From this point the East London Federation of Suffragettes dropped its connection with the WSPU. In 1916, on hearing about an anti-conscription rally organized by Sylvia, Emmeline Pankhurst cabled from America: Strongly repudiate Sylvia's foolish...
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Taylor
Through the Communist PartyET met Raymond or Ray Russell , a railwayman's son who was apprenticed in the furniture-making business but longed to be a painter.
Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books, 2009.
She wrote of their early involvement: I...
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Pankhurst
CP publicly announced that Sylvia Pankhurst 's East London Federation would no longer be attached to the WSPU .
Marcus, Jane, editor. “Introduction / Appendix”. Suffrage and the Pankhursts, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987, pp. 1 - 17, 306.
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Pankhurst
In January 1914, CP called Sylvia to Paris to demand that Sylvia's East London Federation should break its ties to the WSPU . Although their mother's suffragist impulse had originally grown in close relation to...
Family and Intimate relationships Tillie Olsen
They shared their involvement in Communist politics. Communists, however, did not recognize the prohibitions of bourgeois morality and Tillie continued to make love with other men besides her husband.
Reid, Panthea. Tillie Olsen: One Woman, Many Riddles. Rutgers University Press, 2010.
67, 65
By her twenty-third birthday...
Family and Intimate relationships Jackie Kay
JK 's adoptive mother (my mum), Helen Kay , was (like her husband) a white Communist Party activist. She came from Lochgelly in Fife, where her father was a miner,
Kay, Jackie. Red Dust Road. Pan Macmillan, 2010.
Family and Intimate relationships Jackie Kay
JK 's adoptive father, John Kay , a Glaswegian and a draughtsman by trade, left this job to become a full-time Communist Party worker.
Kay, Jackie. Red Dust Road. Pan Macmillan, 2010.
Years later he stood as Communist candidate for the Gorbals/Queen's...
Family and Intimate relationships Rosamond Lehmann
RL met the businessman and would-be artist Wogan Philipps while living in Newcastle with her first husband. Becoming a lifelong Communist and a farmer during the Spanish Civil War, Philipps was the only Communist Party
Fictionalization Anne Askew
Knowledge of AA 's writing spread rapidly. The reactionary Stephen Gardiner , Bishop of Winchester, complained on 6 June 1547 of the number of copies in circulation.
Beilin, Elaine V., and Anne Askew. “Introduction”. The Examinations of Anne Askew, Oxford University Press, 1996.
John Foxe gave it a still wider...
Literary responses Nancy Cunard
Although NC had received so much press attention during her research, there were not many reviews of NEGRO. The United States press largely ignored it. In London it was reviewed by the Daily Worker...
Literary Setting Edith Templeton
This story is set in Prague (ET 's birthplace), which is now under Communist rule. The protagonist, a traveller to the city, has a brief affair with a Russian, and later learns that everything...


1845: Victoria Park in East London was opened to...

Building item


Victoria Park in East London was opened to the public as the first public park in Britain. (The more famous London parks belonged to the Crown.) Situated among the poor, working-class districts of the East...

26 January 1910: The Woman Worker, the journal of the National...

Building item

26 January 1910

The Woman Worker, the journal of the National Federation of Women Workers , ended publication in London.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.

December 1914: German anti-militarists including Rosa Luxemburg,...

National or international item

December 1914

German anti-militarists including Rosa Luxemburg , Clara Zetkin , and Karl Liebknecht founded the secret political organization called the Spartakusbund or Spartacus League.
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003,
under Clara Zetkin

June 1920: The British Communist Party was founded—in...

National or international item

June 1920

The British Communist Party was founded—in a year when socialism was militant in Britain, and when Churchill sent tanks against Communists in Glasgow as well as in Poland.
Rattenbury, Arnold. “How the sanity of poets can be edited away”. London Review of Books, 14 Oct. 1999, pp. 15-19.

Late October 1924: A letter inciting Britons to revolution,...

Building item

Late October 1924

A letter inciting Britons to revolution, purportedly written by Grigori Evseyevich Zinoviev and sent from the Third International to the small British Communist Party , was obtained by and published in the British press.
Thomson, David, and Geoffrey Warner. England in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1979. 2nd ed., Penguin Books, 1981.

12 March 1925: Chinese ruler Sun Yat-sen, author of the...

National or international item

12 March 1925

Chinese ruler Sun Yat-sen , author of the Chinese revolution of 1912 and father of the republic, died unexpectedly, unleashing a wave of popular protest (which had foreign influence as one of its prime targets)...

March 1926: The Woman Worker began monthly publication...

Building item

March 1926

The Woman Worker began monthly publication in London from the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

1927: Josephine Ward published a fiction about...

Women writers item


Josephine Ward published a fiction about the early twentieth-century Italian dictator: The Shadow of Mussolini.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003,
under Benito Mussolini

February 1927: Alice Holland produced the first issue of...

Building item

February 1927

Alice Holland produced the first issue of Working Woman, a monthly Communist Party paper published in London.
Harrison, Royden et al. The Warwick Guide to British Labour Periodicals, 1790-1970: A Check List. Harvester Press, 1977.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

March 1929: The last issue of Working Woman, a Communist...

National or international item

March 1929

The last issue of Working Woman, a Communist Party paper, was published in London.
Harrison, Royden et al. The Warwick Guide to British Labour Periodicals, 1790-1970: A Check List. Harvester Press, 1977.

1 January 1930: The Daily Worker, newspaper of the British...

Building item

1 January 1930

The Daily Worker, newspaper of the British Communist Party , issued its first number; its last number appeared on 23 April 1966, after which the name changed to the Morning Star.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

24 April 1932: Five hundred people, mostly male industrial...

Building item

24 April 1932

Five hundred people, mostly male industrial workers, set out on what became known as the Kinder Scout trespass, claiming the public right to roam on privately-owned open land.
Hattersley, Roy. “The peak of protest”. Guardian Unlimited, 24 Apr. 2007.

1934: US feminist and writer Agnes Smedley, a supporter...

National or international item


US feminist and writer Agnes Smedley , a supporter of Communist forces in China, published China's Red Army Marches, an account of the organization and growth of the Red Army 's campaign against the Kuomintang.
Greenspan, Karen. The Timetables of Women’s History. Simon and Shuster, 1994.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.

February 1936: The awesome trio of political theorist Harold...

Writing climate item

February 1936

The awesome trio
Laity, Paul. “The left’s ace of clubs”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 July 2001.
of political theorist Harold Laski , publisher Victor Gollancz , and writer and Labour MP John Strachey established the Left Book Club (LBC) .
Laity, Paul. “The left’s ace of clubs”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 July 2001.

21 January 1941-26 August 1942: The Daily Worker, the newspaper of the British...

Building item

21 January 1941-26 August 1942

The Daily Worker, the newspaper of the British Communist Party , was suppressed under Defence Regulations.
Rust, William. Daily Worker Reborn. Daily Worker, 1943.
Rust, William. Lift the Ban on the Daily Worker. Daily Worker League, 1942.


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