John St Loe Strachey

Standard Name: Strachey, John St Loe,, 1901 - 1963
Used Form: Evelyn John St Loe Strachey


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Amabel Williams-Ellis
Amabel's elder brother, Tom, died of pneumonia when she was twelve. Her younger brother, (Evelyn) John St Loe Strachey, born in 1901, became a well-known public figure. During his political career he served as...
Family and Intimate relationships Marghanita Laski
The political theorist Harold Laski was ML's uncle. Laski, a professor at the London School of Economics, was the best-known socialist intellectual of his era. His books on the Second World War, the...
politics Amabel Williams-Ellis
AWE and her brother John Strachey, future politician and author, joined the Independent Labour Party (which was founded by Keir Hardie in 1893, gave birth to the Labour Party, and disaffiliated from it...
politics Amabel Williams-Ellis
AWE accompanied her brother John Strachey to Russia on invitation from a Russian miners' trade union, to study the coal-mining industry there.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. All Stracheys Are Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
politics Amabel Williams-Ellis
When Victor Gollancz, John Strachey, and Harold Laski founded the Left Book Club (for the distribution and discussion of radical texts on socialism, fascism, and war) AWE was an early member.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. All Stracheys Are Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Laity, Paul, editor. Left Book Club Anthology. Victor Gollancz, 2001.
Textual Production Amabel Williams-Ellis
Textual Production Tillie Olsen
Her biographer, Panthea Reid, calls TO zanier than most literary geniuses: She was undisciplined, high strung, full of excuses, and passionate.
Reid, Panthea. Tillie Olsen: One Woman, Many Riddles. Rutgers University Press, 2010.
She was at least intermittently serious about her literary aims: in early...


21-25 June 1935: The First International Congress of Writers...

National or international item

21-25 June 1935

The First International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture (an anti-fascist event urging the responsibility of writers to their society) was held in Paris.
Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.

February 1936: The awesome trio of political theorist Harold...

Writing climate item

February 1936

The awesome trio
Laity, Paul. “The left’s ace of clubs”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 July 2001.
of political theorist Harold Laski, publisher Victor Gollancz, and writer and Labour MP John Strachey established the Left Book Club (LBC).
Laity, Paul. “The left’s ace of clubs”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 July 2001.

April 1946 : A fact-finding mission for Clement Attlee's...

National or international item

April 1946

A fact-finding mission for Clement Attlee's Labour government visited Tanganyika (now Tanzania) to investigate the feasibility of a large-scale scheme for cultivating groundnuts (peanuts).
Wood, Alan. The Groundnut Affair. Bodley Head, 1950.


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