Women's Library


Connections Author name Sort descending Excerpt
Reception Eunice Guthrie Murray
EGM was made an MBE in 1945. Her journals are privately owned by her collateral descendants. A scrapbook now in the Women's Library in London contains EGM 's collection of suffrage newspaper cuttings; since an...
Textual Production Christabel Pankhurst
Important archival collections on CP and the suffrage struggle are to be found at the Women's Library , formerly the Fawcett Library.
Castle, Barbara. Sylvia and Christabel Pankhurst. Penguin.
110, 157, 159
“The Women’s Library”. London Metropolitan University.
Textual Production Emmeline Pankhurst
The Fawcett Library (now the Women's Library) in London houses the Suffrage archives, including many of EP 's papers. A sound recording about her, originally an Argo long-playing record, contains a reminiscence by Sybil Thorndike
Textual Production Sylvia Pankhurst
Important archival collections of SP ' writings are held at the Women's Library in London, and at the Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.
Castle, Barbara. Sylvia and Christabel Pankhurst. Penguin.
Reception Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
EPL 's involvement in the militant suffrage movement was necessarily controversial: contemporaries both lauded and reviled her. In her diary Virginia Woolf described EPL 's style of public speaking in 1918 with some disdain. I...
Occupation Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
EPL began to be active in the Working Girls' Club of the MethodistWest London Mission .
Some sources, for instance the website of the Women's Library , date her work with the club as...
Textual Production Eleanor Rathbone
Major collections of ER 's papers are held at Liverpool University and the Women's Library in London (formerly the Fawcett Library ).
Alberti, Johanna. Eleanor Rathbone. Sage Press.
Textual Production Amber Reeves
Many of AR 's papers are in family hands. Her letters to Wells are at the University of Illinois , and the Women's Library holds the text of two interviews with her.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Occupation Elizabeth Robins
Murray and Garrett Anderson had already been running a similar hospital in Paris. At Endell Street their staff, all women, treated 24,000 soldiers as in-patients and many more as out-patients before the hosptial closed at...
Friends, Associates Maude Royden
Courtney and Royden served together as executive members of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) , of which in 1911 Courtney became secretary. They also worked together as vice-chairs for the Women's International League (WIL)
Textual Production Maude Royden
The Women's Library holds most of MR 's papers (including a folder of correspondence with Ursula Roberts, the writer Susan Miles), while the British Library , Lambeth Palace Library , and the Bodleian Library hold some letters.
“The Papers of Agnes Maude Royden”. Archives Hub: London Metropolitan University: Women’s Library.
“Papers of Ursula Roberts”. AIM25. London Metropolitan University: Women’s Library.
Textual Production Mary Stott
She called herself a writing woman, and though in her newspaper career she was most famously an editor, she was a columnist and commentator by choice. She declared her preference for writing with an...
Textual Production Ray Strachey
The Hannah Whitall Smith Papers, held at the Lilly Library , Indiana University , Bloomington, contain over 4,500 of RS 's letters, most of which were written to her mother.
Meneghel, Meg A. “’Dear Mother’: Ray Strachey’s Role in Feminism and the League of Nations as Seen from the Lilly Library”. Women in the Milieu of Leonard and Virginia Woolf: Peace, Politics, and Education, edited by Wayne K. Chapman and Janet M. Manson, Pace University Press, pp. 87-95.
Other RS correspondence...


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