Eminent Scottish mathematician and scientist MS
was best known as the author of four popular expository texts on science: Mechanism of the Heavens (1831), On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences (1834), Physical Geography (1848)...
, charismatic religious leader, produced sixty-five or more printed tracts (amounting to 4,500 pages) and many works in manuscript during the first thirteen years of the nineteenth century. These, she maintained, were dictated to...
Robert Southey was a Romantic poet, one of the Lake Poets with Wordsworth
and Coleridge
. In addition to epics, ballads, and other verse, he penned several plays and contributed regularly to the ToryQuarterly...
, who lived in the later-sixteenth and earlier-seventeenth centuries in England and in Protestant, colonial Ireland, left a commonplace-book containing a collection of her own remarkable poems as well as a few letters...
Githa Sowerby
Githa Sowerby's first full-length play, Rutherford and Son, was received in 1912 as a work of major importance. After this initial success, however, she produced only a handful of plays, only one more of...
The publishing career of MS
spanned the later twentieth century, extending beyond each end of that fifty-year period. She began writing as a poet, and went on to short fiction, literary criticism, biography, journalism, and...
stands out among authors of polemic answers to Joseph Swetnam's offensive misogynist pamphlet of 1615. Her editor Barbara Kiefer Lewalski
observes that she is the first Englishwoman to identify herself solidly by name (granted...
Elizabeth Isabella Spence
began publishing just before the end of the eighteenth century and continued for twenty-five years. She issued novels, shorter fiction, and travel books, the latter put together from letters sent to friends in the...
, writing in the later nineteenth and the early twentieth century, published half a dozen novels which combine romance with, in some cases, a thesis about politics or gender politics. Her rate of output...
published in 1742 her single text, a scientific or crypto-scientific treatise explaining her proposed method of ascertaining longitude. She may not have solved this scientific enigma, but she is remarkable as a female mathematician...
Christopher St John
Writing from the beginning of the twentieth century, CSJ
produced novels, biography, and love-journals, as well as her work for the stage, for which she wrote translations, adaptations, and original plays. She is best...
Germaine de Staël
is remembered primarily for her political activism and the salons she established following the French Revolution; history, politics, and culture were certainly among her frequent literary subjects. The same interests inform her highly successful...
Famous as a twentieth-century explorer and traveller, FS
was also a prominent travel-writer, essayist, autobiographer, letter-writer, geographic historian, photo journalist, and cartographer. Reprints of Stark's texts, along with recent biographies by Molly Izzard
(1993) and...
had several distinct authorial careers. She is best known as a late eighteenth-century dramatist writing about colonial India, and as an early nineteenth-century travel-writer producing practical guides to Europe. Her career as...
Christina Stead
Over a period of fifty years in the twentieth century, Australian-born CS
published a short-story volume (many more stories were posthumously collected), eleven novels (one also posthumous), three translations, and a volume of novellas. Her...
Publishing from the 1880s through the first three decades of the twentieth century, FAS
produced some thirty books. Most of her novels describe contemporary Anglo-Indian life, though some are set in Britain (seldom in England)...
Writing in the second half of the nineteenth century, Anna Steele
worked in a variety of genres, including poetry, drama, the short story, translation, and musical composition. Her six novels straddle the modes of sensationalism...
Anne Steele
's eighteenth-century poetry, hymns, and meditations, widely admired in their day, have had their distinctive qualities overlooked or obscured by mainstream critics, perhaps partly because of her Particular Baptist
faith. Her co-religionists, meanwhile, have...