William Hayley

Standard Name: Hayley, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Charlotte Smith
Her title-page bore her name and of Bignor Park, Sussex.
qtd. in
Hilbish, Florence. Charlotte Smith, Poet and Novelist. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941.
The volume was dedicated to William Hayley , who, with Bryan Edwards , had helped her with the complicated and anxious business of reaching...
Friends, Associates Helen Maria Williams
There she began to frequent Elizabeth Montagu 's bluestocking circle. She was introduced in cultural circles by Andrew Kippis , minister of the church her family attended, and soon knew William Hayley , Sarah Siddons
Friends, Associates Anna Seward
Her relationship with the fashionable poet and author William Hayley was another in which each party flattered the other. She kept up with Hayley's wife, Eliza (who was also a writer, less ambitious and less...
Friends, Associates Anna Jane Vardill
While she lived in London AJV moved in culturally active circles. She later described the poet Eleanor Anne Porden (who lived not far away) as her dear friend, and was one of those who...
Friends, Associates Mary Tighe
Before she left London, MT met there her fellow Irish poet Tom Moore . He subsequently visited her in Dublin and complimented her in verse. She exchanged poems with Barbarina Wilmot (later Lady Dacre) ...
Friends, Associates Mariana Starke
From at least the late 1770s MS and her family were on terms of close friendship with Eliza and William Hayley ; Mariana's earliest extant letter to Eliza Hayley is dated 22 December 1780. William...
Friends, Associates Amelia Opie
She had already begun to move in fashionable circles, and became friendly with Lady Caroline Lamb , Lady Cork , and painters James Northcote and Sir Joshua Reynolds .
Opie, Amelia. “Introduction”. Adeline Mowbray, edited by Shelley King and John B. Pierce, Oxford University Press, 1999, p. i - xxix.
In 1802, in London and...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Smith
On a month-long visit to William Hayley , CS met the poet Cowper , his friend Mary Unwin , and the painter George Romney .
Hilbish, Florence. Charlotte Smith, Poet and Novelist. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941.
Friends, Associates William Blake
Friends of WB included William Hayley (who provided his cottage at Felpham, but with whom Blake broke after their years as neighbours) and Henry Crabb Robinson , who published a critical essay about him in...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Smith
William Hayley helped CS publish her first book. Her biographer Loraine Fletcher thinks she faked a sudden attack of illness, in the wake of her husband's imprisonment and release, in order to drop in at...
Friends, Associates William Cowper
Notable among Cowper's other friends were the Rev John Newton (a former slave-trader who since his conversion had become a hellfire Evangelical preacher), Lady Austen (who set him the writing task commemorated in the title...
Intertextuality and Influence Clara Reeve
This attacks William Hayley 's Essay on Old Maids, at which CR was understandably angry.
Intertextuality and Influence Amelia Opie
Agatha Torrington responds bravely to the suspicion that her marriage may have been bigamous. She takes her daughter away with her; the daughter, Emma Castlemain, follows in her footsteps by enduring her husband's unfaithfulness with...
Intertextuality and Influence Henrietta Maria Bowdler
Although HMB was provoked to write by William Hayley 's unpleasant Philosophical, Historical and Moral Essay on Old Maids, 1785, she gives a mixed message. This begins with an epigraph drawn from Elizabeth Hamilton
Intertextuality and Influence Hannah More
HM 's Sensibility (a poem addressed to Frances Boscawen ) appeared in print together with her Sacred Dramas, by March 1782.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
53 (1782): 199
Critic Harriet Guest says it was influenced by William Hayley 's Triumphs of Temper.
Guest, Harriet. Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750-1810. University of Chicago Press, 2000.


1780: In his poem An Essay on History, in three...

Writing climate item


In his poem An Essay on History, in three epistles to Edward Gibbon, William Hayley praised the ancient historian Anna Comnena .
Tomlins, Elizabeth Sophia. The Victim of Fancy. Pickering and Chatto, 2009.

By April 1781: William Hayley published The Triumphs of...

Building item

By April 1781

William Hayley published The Triumphs of Temper: A Poem: one of many fictional constructions of the ideal woman.
Guest, Harriet. Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750-1810. University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
51 (1781): 273

1782: George Romney painted a picture to illustrate...

Women writers item


George Romney painted a picture to illustrate (after the fact) William Hayley 'a Triumphs of Temper, 1781: Serena, reading Burney 's Evelina. The model was Honora Sneyd .
Brewer, John. The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1997.
607, 609

1785: William Hayley published his Philosophical,...

Writing climate item


William Hayley published his Philosophical, Historical and Moral Essay on Old Maids; most women readers agreed with Anna Seward that the book displayed witty, but ungenerous sport of fancy.
Seward, Anna. Letters of Anna Seward. Editor Constable, Archibald, Vol.
6 vols.
, A. Constable, 1811, 6 vols.
I: 147
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
61 (1786): 189


Hayley, William et al. The Life, and Posthumous Writings, of William Cowper, Esqr. Printed by J. Seagrave for J. Johnson, 1804, 3 vols.