British Library Catalogue.
Andrew Kippis
Standard Name: Kippis, Andrew
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Anthologization | Anne Steele | Reprints and anthologies since this edition have maintained AS
's place in the American hymn tradition; the biographical material accompanying them has spread the impression of her as an exaggeratedly pious ideal. Editions include Hymns... |
Anthologization | Mary Scott | MS
wrote the hymn on Family Worship which begins Where'er the lord shall build my house, and which was printed as number 659 in Andrew Kippis
's popular Collection of Hymns and Psalms for Public... |
Anthologization | Helen Maria Williams | Andrew Kippis
included a hymn by HMW
—My God! All nature owns Thy sway—in his very popular Collection of Hymns and Psalms for Public and Private Worship. Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers. 65 (1795) 321 |
Cultural formation | Helen Maria Williams | She came from the professional class. Her family tradition was Scottish and Covenanting on her mother's side, Welsh with some Huguenot blood on her father's. She was brought up a Rational Dissenter and attended a... |
Friends, Associates | Helen Maria Williams | There she began to frequent Elizabeth Montagu
's bluestocking circle. She was introduced in cultural circles by Andrew Kippis
, minister of the church her family attended, and soon knew William Hayley
, Sarah Siddons |
Literary responses | Helen Maria Williams | The Critical Review began its notice with a brief sketch of HMW
's life-story, emphasising the circumstances which had kept her in ignorance of the literary scene which she was now entering. It made some... |
Publishing | Helen Maria Williams | The Poems were in two volumes, with HMW
's name in full, published by Rivington and Marshall
, with an engraved frontispiece drawn by Maria Cosway
. Subscribers included the Prince of Wales
(whose name... |
Textual Features | Helen Maria Williams | In a humble preface Williams invokes her mentor Kippis
. The poems, in many genres (many treating of history, and of the sufferings caused by poverty and war), include a sentimental treatment of Mary, Queen of Scots |
Textual Production | Mary Jones | Literary historian Antonia Forster
believes that this was probably an invitation to write for The Library; or, Moral and Critical Magazine, which was launched the following month, edited by Andrew Kippis
and published by... |
Textual Production | Helen Maria Williams | Andrew Kippis
wrote a preface for this poem. He had probably persuaded her to move to London to arrange its publication. Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing, and Revolution 1790-1827. Clarendon, 1993. 31-2 |
1747: The first edition of the Biographia Britannica...
Writing climate item
The first edition of the Biographia Britannica (a ground-breaking collection of national biography) appeared.
Lavoie, Chantel Michelle. Poems by Eminent Ladies: A Study of an Eighteenth-Century Anthology. University of Toronto, 1999.
April 1761-May 1762: Andrew Kippis edited, and Ralph Griffiths...
Writing climate item
April 1761-May 1762
Andrew Kippis
edited, and Ralph Griffiths
published, a periodical called the Library; or, Moral and Critical Magazine.
Forster, Antonia. Email about Mary Jones to Isobel Grundy. 25 Apr. 2005.
Kippis, Andrew, editor. The New Annual Register. G. G. J. and J. Robinson.