Sarah Bernhardt

Standard Name: Bernhardt, Sarah


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Anna Wickham
Aiming to make a career like Bernhardt ,
Wickham, Anna et al. “Fragment of an Autobiography: Prelude to a Spring Clean”. The Writings of Anna Wickham Free Woman and Poet, edited by Reginald Donald Smith, Virago Press, pp. 51-157.
Edith Alice Harper (later AW ) moved to Paris to study voice with Jean de Reszke .
Hepburn, James et al. “Anna Wickham: A Memoir”. The Writings of Anna Wickham, Free Woman and Poet, edited by Reginald Donald Smith, Virago Press, pp. 1-48.
Family and Intimate relationships Nina Hamnett
NH had her first romantic relationship at the London School of Art , with another student known among her circle as The Genius. He specialized in painting souls in torture.
Hamnett, Nina. Laughing Torso. Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc.
NH posed...
Fictionalization Natalie Clifford Barney
NCB has been a magnet for biographers (recently as the subject with Romaine Brooks of Diana Souhami 's Wild Girls in 2004 and as a minor character in Joan Schenkar 's Truly Wilde: the Unsettling...
Friends, Associates John Strange Winter
JSW had an extensive social circle in London—her biographer, Oliver Bainbridge , notes that a number of social claims were made upon her by reason of her popularity, and that these were always in advance...
Friends, Associates Emily Faithfull
EF 's circle of literary friends included Oliver Wendell Holmes , Joaquin Miller , James Russell Lowell , and Walt Whitman .
Stone, James S. Emily Faithfull: Victorian Champion of Women’s Rights. P. D. Meany.
She also made the acquaintance of many actors and actresses, including Henry Irving
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Augusta Ward
Despite her wide reading, excellent education for a woman, and Oxford connections, MAWs' trip to Paris in 1874 opened her eyes intellectually. It brought her into contact with Ernest Renan , Madame Mohl , Hippolyte Taine
Textual Features Natalie Clifford Barney
This volume announced the sapphic theme which became central to NCB 's work.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
The poems were inspired by various women—Liane de Pougy , Sarah Bernhardt , Princess Troubetzkoy (Amelia Reeves) , and others—thinly disguised...
Textual Features Margaret Forster
This leisurely novel centres on the relation of the present to the past, on ancestors (particularly grandmothers), and on the never-satisfied desire to know our origins. Isamay seems naive and immature: her somewhat desultory research...
Textual Features Pam Gems
The play opens in Hollywood, with Mrs Patrick Campbell regaling a new, American generation with her memories. It centres on her relationship with George Bernard Shaw , but her life and career are also...
Textual Production Oscar Wilde
Rehearsals had begun with famed actress Sarah Bernhardt in the title role. OW may or may not have written the part with her in mind. In 1893 the French text was published at Paris and...
Textual Production Frances Sarah Hoey
The letters were lengthy, running between 3,000 and 5,000 words, and covered diverse topics including politics, society and fashion, and particularly contemporary literature and drama. FSH is enthusiastic about Sir Henry Irving , but describes...


December 1874: French actress Sarah Bernhardt was in the...

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December 1874

French actress Sarah Bernhardt was in the first full tide of her success
Ward, Mary Augusta. A Writer’s Recollections. Harper and Brothers.
in Paris.

1879: Sarah Bernhardt appeared at the Gaiety Theatre.mkb:...

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Sarah Bernhardt appeared at the Gaiety Theatre .

1882: Victorien Sardou's French play Fedora popularized...

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Victorien Sardou 's French play Fedora popularized the felt fedora.

February 1891: Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded...

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February 1891

Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded the Independent Theatre Society in London to promote literary rather than commercial plays, and the new drama in particular.

May 1912: A group of women singers including Sarah...

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May 1912

A group of women singers including Sarah Bernhardt , Mrs Patrick Campbell , Clara Butt , and Anna Pavlova rallied together for a single performance in aid of the Titanic Disaster Fund at Covent Garden.

By 28 November 1934: The young Flora Robson, in A Letter to a...

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By 28 November 1934

The young Flora Robson , in A Letter to a Young Actress, contributed as a preface to Ladies Only by Muriel and Sydney Box , provided a fascinating account of women's part in amateur...

October 1972: A gala performance was held at the Haymarket...

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October 1972

A gala performance was held at the Haymarket Theatre , featuring all the leading lights of the British stage, to celebrate Dame Sybil Thorndike 's ninetieth birthday.


No bibliographical results available.