Mary Clarke Mohl

Standard Name: Mohl, Mary Clarke


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Eliza Lynn Linton
While in Paris, she met Madame von Mohl (wife of Orientalist Julius von Mohl , Chair of Persian at the Collège de France ); William Rathbone Greg ; Fanny Kemble ; Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning
Friends, Associates Marie Belloc Lowndes
As a child she had already met several distinguished writers in England, and Mary Clarke Mohl and Turgenev in France.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. I, Too, Have Lived in Arcadia. Macmillan, 1941.
As a young adult she quickly became known to many eminent members of the...
Friends, Associates Florence Nightingale
During their tour, the family became acquainted with Mary Mohl (then Clarke) , an unconventional woman who hosted an important intellectual salon in Paris. FN was drawn to Mohl, who was equally impressed by...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Augusta Ward
Despite her wide reading, excellent education for a woman, and Oxford connections, MAWs' trip to Paris in 1874 opened her eyes intellectually. It brought her into contact with Ernest Renan , Madame Mohl , Hippolyte Taine
Textual Features Florence Nightingale
The letters span FN 's entire life and include examples of her correspondences with Edwin Chadwick , Benjamin Jowett , Harriet Martineau , and Mary Clarke Mohl .
Nightingale, Florence. Ever Yours, Florence Nightingale. Editors Vicinus, Martha and Bea Nergaard, Harvard University Press, 1990.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Augusta Ward
Her selections are drawn from both written record and personal memory, interweaving public and private concerns and observations. Her sketches of individuals are often memorable, as in this glimpse: a small dishevelled figure, grey-headed, crouching...
Travel Elizabeth Rigby
She made her way to the Holbein Exhibition at Dresden via Cologne, Brunswick, Leipzig and Berlin. In January 1872 she was in England again, visiting the palatial home (completed in 1855) of...
Travel Florence Nightingale
During her illness in Paris she stayed with Monsieur and Madame Mohl .
Travel Elizabeth Gaskell
EG , along with her husband and their daughter Marianne , visited Paris; there she met Scottish hostess Mary Clarke Mohl , whose salons were at the hub of French political and literary life.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.


No timeline events available.


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