Anthony Thwaite

Standard Name: Thwaite, Anthony


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Jennings
She had a remarkably catholic talent for friendship. During her student days she became a friend of Philip Larkin and Kingsley Amis . Her correspondents at this and later periods of her life included her...
Literary responses Seamus Heaney
Martin Dodsworth in the Guardian reckoned this collection to be unequalled in our contemporary poetry as a testimony to the patience, persistence, and power of the imagination under duress.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
3824 (20 June 1975): 697
Anthony Thwaite
Literary responses Elizabeth Jennings
She held bursaries or grants from the Arts Council (after the initial one for her first book) in 1965, 1968, and 1972.
“Lauinger Library: Special Collections Division”. Georgetown University Library.
Some critics disparage EJ 's work along lines effectively summarized by Robert Crawford
Literary responses Patricia Beer
Reviewers continued on a note of faint praise. Anthony Thwaite , for instance, found in PB 's work an air of appraising experience in small mouthfuls, fastidious, ironical.
Sherry, Vincent B., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 40. Gale Research.
British Book News found her solid...
Literary responses Anita Desai
Salman Rushdie called this a magnificent book that brilliantly portrayed the world of male friendship in order to demonstrate how this, too, is a part of the process by which women are excluded from power...
Publishing Philip Larkin
PL was only eleven when he first reached print, with a contribution to his school magazine, The Coventrian, which Anthony Thwaite has called an extraordinarily assured, facetious performance
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
in his Oxford Dictionary of National...
Publishing Penelope Shuttle
PS 's poem The View from the Window (in which the speaker watches the rain and contemplates a forthcoming journey to the frozen north) appeared in the Times Literary Supplement on 30 August 1974, together...
Reception Philip Larkin
Anthony Thwaite edited PL 's Collected Poems in 1988 and his Selected Letters, 1940-1985, in 1992. Andrew Motion published a biography in 1993.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online.
Both Alan Bennett and Martin Amis have edited selections of Larkin's...
Textual Features Seamus Heaney
Some of the poems feature observation of landscape from his recent year in California. Anthony Thwaite commented a few years later that Heaney had deliberately excluded from Wintering Out some poems he had already...
Textual Production Elizabeth Jennings
EJ had the habit of sending quantities of undifferentiated manuscripts to her Carcanet Press editor, Michael Schmidt , for him to sort, select, and arrange for print.
Crawford, Robert. “Locked and Barred”. London Review of Books, pp. 31-2.
She left a vast body of correspondence...
Textual Production Philip Larkin
PL 's Collected Poems were posthumously published, edited by Anthony Thwaite and arranged in chronological order of composition by means of Larkin's carefully dated working notebooks.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(14 October 1988): 1151
Larkin, Philip. “Introduction”. Collected Poems, edited by Anthony Thwaite, Faber and Faber; the Marvell Press, p. xi - xii.
Textual Production Fleur Adcock
FA 's first anthology, edited with Anthony Thwaite , was New Poetry Four, Hutchinson , 1978.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.


By early September 1986: Kingsley Amis published his novel The Old...

Writing climate item

By early September 1986

Kingsley Amis published his novelThe Old Devils, which won the Booker Prize from a strong field after a tie with What's Bred in the Bone by Robertson Davies was broken by a casting...


Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems. Editor Thwaite, Anthony, Faber and Faber; the Marvell Press, 2003.
Larkin, Philip. “Introduction”. Collected Poems, edited by Anthony Thwaite, Faber and Faber; the Marvell Press, 2003, p. xi - xii.
Jennings, Elizabeth et al. “Letters to the Editor: Future of Radio”. Times, p. 11.
Larkin, Philip. Selected Letters of Philip Larkin, 1940-1985. Editor Thwaite, Anthony, Faber and Faber, 1992.