Henry Mackenzie

Standard Name: Mackenzie, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Sir Walter Scott
Walter Scott caused a sensation with Waverley, his first novel, a historical work published anonymously with a dedication to the sentimental novelist Henry Mackenzie .
Manning, Susan. “Julie de Roubigné: Last Gasp, or First Fruits?”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2001, pp. 161-73.
Education Lady Louisa Stuart
LLS grew up under her mother's eye, and was educated through both reading and social contact. She later remembered reading Henry Mackenzie 's The Man of Feeling at fourteen and fearing she might not cry...
Family and Intimate relationships Susan Ferrier
The first important position of James Ferrier , SF 's father, was as Writer to the Signet. Later he was appointed Principal Clerk of Session and became estate manager to the Duke of Argyll ...
Friends, Associates Anne Grant
She became a noted figure in Edinburgh literary and social circles. Among her friends were Lady Charlotte Campbell (later Bury) ,
Paston, George, and George Paston. “Mrs. Grant of Laggan”. Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century, E. P. Dutton, 1901, pp. 237-96.
Lord Jeffrey , Sir Walter Scott , Henry Mackenzie , and other literati...
Friends, Associates Alison Cockburn
She wrote that some of my most steady friends thro' Life were my childhood companions, girls she had been at school with.
Cockburn, Alison. Letters and Memoirs. Editor Craig-Brown, Thomas, David Douglas, 1900.
Besides Ramsay (whom, too, she had known since her girlhood), Burns
Friends, Associates Helen Maria Williams
That year HMW was introduced by Dr John Moore to Burns , with whom she then corresponded. She met Samuel Rogers (in November 1787), Hester Lynch Piozzi , and Sir Joshua Reynolds . The year...
Intertextuality and Influence Christian Gray
CG says of Bessy Bell and Mary Gray that she was instructed by the lowliest of the muses to sing of ladies.
Gray, Christian. Tales, Letters, and other Pieces in Verse. Printed for the author by Oliver and Boyd, 1808.
Her subjects range from the fairly intimately personal to the boldly public (on...
Intertextuality and Influence Helen Maria Williams
This novel re-writes Rousseau 's Julie; ou, La nouvelle Héloise in the sentimental style of Frances Sheridan 's Sidney Bidulph or Henry Mackenzie 's Julia de Roubigné.
Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing, and Revolution 1790-1827. Clarendon, 1993.
The love-triangle of Williams's Julia is...
Intertextuality and Influence Eleanor Sleath
The story opens in the year 1605 in a cottage near the Jura Mountains. Later scenes set in Salzburg convinced Devendra P. Varma that Sleath was personally acquainted with that city.
Varma, Devendra P., and Eliza Parsons. “Introduction”. Castle of Wolfenbach, Folio Press, 1968, p. xiii - xxiv.
Julie de...
Publishing Elizabeth Hamilton
EH appeared intentionally in print for the first time: with an anonymous essay in the Lounger, Henry Mackenzie 's sentimental periodical, published at Edinburgh.
Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Memoirs of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1818, 2 vols.
1: 277-91
Perkins, Pamela. Women Writers and the Edinburgh Enlightenment. Rodopi, 2010.
Reception Anne Grant
The pension was granted following the petition of Sir Walter Scott (who had praised her writing at the end of Waverley),
Perkins, Pamela. “Anne Grant and the Professionalization of Privacy”. Authorship, Commerce and the Public: Scenes of Writing, 1750-1850, edited by Emma Clery et al., Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. 29-43.
Francis Jeffrey , Henry Mackenzie , and others. At first AG rejected...
Textual Features Frances Brooke
This was one of the earliest novels of sensibility, and was probably influenced by Frances Sheridan 's Sidney Bidulph. Its sentimental content, however, co-exists both with comment on politics and with a coherent plot...
Textual Features Georgiana Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire
This novel expresses, with remarkable literary skill, a number of remarkable opinions. Emma Walpole relates her story by letter to friends. She marries to please her father after he has forbidden her to marry her...
Textual Features Tabitha Tenney
Choice of women writers is fairly generous, with excerpts from Hester Mulso Chapone , John Aikin and Anna Letitia Barbauld (Evenings at Home), Susanna Haswell Rowson , Elizabeth Carter , Hester Thrale ,...
Textual Production Jane West
JW published with the Minerva Press , under the name of the fictional Prudentia Homespun, The Advantages of Education, or, The History of Maria Williams. A Tale for Misses and their Mammas.


By June 1771: Henry Mackenzie published The Man of Feeling,...

Writing climate item

By June 1771

Henry Mackenzie published The Man of Feeling, his most famous sentimental novel, whose hero observes with anguish the displayed sufferings of others.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
31 (1771): 482-3
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.

1774: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published Die...

Writing climate item


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (translated into English by June 1779 as The Sorrows of Werter. A German Story, Founded on Fact).
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
47 (1779)
Waldron, Mary. “A Different Kind of Patronage: Ann Yearsley’s Later Friends”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2002, pp. 283-35.

1777: Henry Mackenzie published his sentimental...

Writing climate item


Henry Mackenzie published his sentimental novel Julia de Roubigné, whose heroine is poisoned by the jealous husband she has married to please her father.
Manning, Susan. “Julie de Roubigné: Last Gasp, or First Fruits?”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2001, pp. 161-73.

18 June 1785: Henry Mackenzie in the Lounger urged the...

Writing climate item

18 June 1785

Henry Mackenzie in the Lounger urged the rehabilitation and reform of the novel: by implication its re-masculinization.
London, April. Women and Property in the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge University Press, 1999.


Mackenzie, Henry. The Man of Feeling. 1771.