Lady Louisa Stuart

Standard Name: Stuart, Lady Louisa
Birth Name: Louisa Stuart
Styled: Lady Louisa Stuart
LLS , writing in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, published almost nothing deliberately. It was mostly after her death that her writings filtered into print. Her poems show an acute and original mind. Her letters and memoirs show, besides their fluency and charm, the powers of a literary critic and cultural historian.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Caroline Scott
Caroline was born in a lying-in tent . . . pitched in the best drawing-room of a furnished house, under two gloomy and dramatic Salvator Rosa paintings; Lady Louisa Stuart jokingly suggested that these had...
Family and Intimate relationships Henry Fielding
His distant relation Lady Louisa Stuart stoutly maintained, nearly a century later, that this was not so discreditable to his character as it may sound—that the bond between them was a mutual one, formed...
Family and Intimate relationships Susan Tweedsmuir
Through her mother ST was descended from Lady Mary Wortley Montagu . She was happy to claim Lady Mary as an ancestress, but did not pay her particularly close attention: she was mistaken in 1952...
Family and Intimate relationships Caroline Scott
Her mother, Frances, Lady Douglas , had had a deeply unhappy childhood, since her own mother appeared to entertain for her nothing but dislike and contempt, and treated her in a way that appears to...
Friends, Associates Caroline Scott
CS had a circle of close female friends which included her mother's friend Lady Louisa Stuart . In late 1838 she suffered the death of her closest friend.
Watson, J. Steven et al. “Introduction”. Memoire of Frances, Lady Douglas, edited by Jill Rubenstein, Scottish Academic Press, 1985.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Margravine of Anspach
EMA continued to live a crowded social life despite the circles where she was not received. She corresponded with Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe ,
Anspach, Elizabeth, Margravine of. “Introduction”. The Beautiful Lady Craven, edited by Lewis Saul Benjamin and Alexander Meyrick Broadley, Bodley Head, 1914, p. i - cxxxviii.
and claimed to have built a friendship with Lady Bute (daughter...
Intertextuality and Influence Charlotte Lennox
Seventeen years after the brief, inglorious appearance of The Sister, Sir John Burgoyne raided it for his successful comedy The Heiress, which opened at Drury Lane on 14 January 1786. Twenty years after...
Leisure and Society Lady Eleanor Butler
The Ladies and the rural ideal they embodied became famous in literary circles, an object of pilgrimage alike to the lesbian Anne Lister and to more conventional figures like William Wordsworth and the Irish poet...
Literary responses Sir Walter Scott
Lady Louisa Stuart sent a detailed letter of appreciative criticism soon after publication, which Scott's biographer J. G. Lockhart admired enough to publish it in full.
Literary responses Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
According to a delighted Hervey, Pope was infuriated. Swift thought the Verses were badly written. Montagu's granddaughter Lady Louisa Stuart thought that for high-born writers to jeer at Pope's family was shameful. On the whole...
Literary responses Elizabeth Carter
Lady Louisa Stuart , who met EC when she was young and Carter was old, noted her humility and plainness. On her the scholarship of a learned man sate, as it does upon a man...
Occupation John Wilson Croker
JWC became a lawyer, (moving from Ireland to London after the Act of Union) a Tory MP, an editor of several eighteenth-century texts (including letters by Lady Hervey and by Henrietta Howard, Lady Suffolk )...
Occupation Caroline Scott
CS became a painter and musician of some accomplishment. According to Lady Louisa Stuart she called her drawings dark-coloured, [her] music touching, and [her] style pathetic.
Stuart, Lady Louisa, and J. Steven Watson. Memoire of Frances, Lady Douglas. Editor Rubenstein, Jill, Scottish Academic Press, 1985.
Three years before she was married she produced...
Publishing Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
The first printing, on expensive paper, was quickly followed by a cheaper reprint which corrected some of the more glaring errors. A family-edited Letters and Works followed in December 1836, dated on its title-page 1837...
Textual Features Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
From Lady Louisa Stuart 's report of the first volume to be written after its author's marriage (the only one she was permitted to read) it sounds as if it contained reportage rather than introspection...


By January 1821: Ballantyne's Novelists Library began publication;...

Writing climate item

By January 1821

Ballantyne's Novelists Library began publication; it was completed in 1824.
Quarterly Review. J. Murray.
24 (1821): 57

May 1829: A Ladies' Bazaar to benefit Spanish refugees,...

Building item

May 1829

A Ladies' Bazaar to benefit Spanish refugees, held at the Hanover Square Rooms in London, patron the Duke of Wellington , raised the remarkable sum of £2,000.
“Deaprtments. Travel. Stanhope, Lady Caroline”. Bernard Quaritch Ltd.


Stuart, Lady Louisa, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. “Biographical Anecdotes of Lady M. W. Montagu and Supplement to the Anecdotes”. Essays and Poems and Simplicity A Comedy, edited by Robert Halsband et al., Clarendon Press, 1993, pp. 6-61.
Stuart, Lady Louisa, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. “Biographical Anecdotes of Lady M.W. Montagu”. The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, edited by James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, first Baron Wharncliffe and James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, first Baron Wharncliffe, R. Bentley, 1837, pp. 1: 1 - 105.
Stuart, Lady Louisa, and Caroline Stuart Dawson, Countess of Portarlington. Gleanings from an Old Portfolio. Editor Clark, Alice G., Privately printed for D. Douglas, 1898, 3 vols.
Stuart, Lady Louisa. “Introduction”. Lady Louisa Stuart: Selections from her Manuscripts, edited by Hon. James Archibald Home, Harper and Brothers, 1899, p. vii - xi.
Grant, Douglas et al. “Introduction”. Private Letters of the Seventeenth Century, Clarendon Press, 1947, pp. 7-54.
Watson, J. Steven et al. “Introduction”. Memoire of Frances, Lady Douglas, edited by Jill Rubenstein, Scottish Academic Press, 1985.
Stuart, Lady Louisa. Lady Louisa Stuart: Selections from her Manuscripts. Editor Home, Hon. James Archibald, Harper and Brothers, 1899.
Stuart, Lady Louisa. Letters of Lady Louisa Stuart to Miss Louisa Clinton. Editor Home, Hon. James Archibald, D. Douglas, 1903, 2 vols.
Stuart, Lady Louisa, and J. Steven Watson. Memoire of Frances, Lady Douglas. Editor Rubenstein, Jill, Scottish Academic Press, 1985.
Stuart, Lady Louisa. Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on George Selwyn and his Contemporaries. Editor Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon, Oxford University Press, 1928.
Watson, J. Steven, and Lady Louisa Stuart. “Preface”. Memoire of Frances, Lady Douglas, edited by Jill Rubenstein and Jill Rubenstein, Scottish Academic Press, 1985, p. ix - xxi.
Scott, Sir Walter et al. Private Letters of the Seventeenth Century. Clarendon, 1947.
Stuart, Lady Louisa. Some Account of John, Duke of Argyll, and his Family. Printed for private circulation by W. Clowes and Sons, 1863.