Sir George Grove

Standard Name: Grove, Sir George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Flora Klickmann
Sir George Grove , then Secretary of the Crystal Palace, became and remained a personal friend, as did composer August Manns , who proposed marriage to her but was not accepted. She met other musical...
Friends, Associates May Laffan
She exchanged letters with both George Augustin Macmillan and Sir George Grove . Her social circle while she was visiting London included a surprisingly large number of literary names. Rhoda Broughton was a friend of...
Friends, Associates Mary Augusta Ward
She met a number of important writers through her newspaper work. She associated with Alexander Macmillan , Sir George Grove , Edmund Gosse and his wife Ellen , John Morley , and her uncle Matthew Arnold
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Anne Barker
Back in London with her second husband in 1869, MAB embarked on a career in journalism, whose successful launch she attributed to the kindness of friends: George Grove , editor of Macmillan's Magazine (whom...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Anne Barker
She was encouraged into book production by two friends in the trade who had also encouraged her journalism, Alexander Macmillan and George Grove . By 1877 this work had reached four editions besides reprints, and...
Leisure and Society May Laffan
ML 's social life in Ireland in the early 1880s was just busy as in London, if less literary in tone. One letter written to George Grove describes her experiences yachting and fishing, in which...
Publishing Annie Keary
Critic Gaye Tuchman with Nina E. Fortin uses Oldbury as an example of the impact a publisher could have on a writer's popularity, noting that because it appeared in volume form only, AKlost the...
Textual Production May Laffan
She was furious at being identified, as she intensely disliked publicity. In an angry letter to George Grove , editor of the magazine, she wrote: I thought I had clearly made it understood to the...


21 April 1883: The Royal College of Music was founded in...

Building item

21 April 1883

The Royal College of Music was founded in London.


No bibliographical results available.