Since the cousin with whom she shared lessons was three years older, Ada Ellen read a good many books at that time which must have been far beyond . . . [her] powers. At twelve...
Edna St Vincent Millay
said her mothergave me poetry. In her mother's Shakespeare
she encountered the passage in Romeo and Juliet about Death seeking Juliet as his paramour, and she later hyperbolically described the encounter: how...
Friends, Associates
Amelia B. Edwards
One aspect of her visit was international networking for the discipline of Egyptology. Such prominent figures as James Russell Lowell
, John Greenleaf Whittier
, and Oliver Wendell Holmes
joined forces to get her invited...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Well known and much admired in her lifetime, ESP
enjoyed friendships with many important literary figures, including publisher James Fields
(who has been described as Christ-like in sympathy and kindness)
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters From a Life. Houghton, Mifflin, 1897.
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 116. Gale Research, 1992.
116: 197
Her American literary connections were many: she corresponded with, and in some cases...
Intertextuality and Influence
Josephine Butler
The paper borrowed its title and motto from The Summons by American slavery-abolitionist poet John Greenleaf Whittier
: The Storm-Bell rings,—the Trumpet blows; I know the word and countersign; Wherever Freedom's vanguard goes, Where stand...
Literary responses
Lydia Maria Child
John Greenleaf Whittier
felt that this novel, together with LMC
's lives of Manon Roland
and Germaine de Staël
(first volume in The Ladies' Family Library) showed that polemical writing had not harmed her...
Literary responses
Lydia Maria Child
The Liberator praised this work and promised to print excerpts from it. While LMC
's allies in the fight against slavery were privately astonished at her effectiveness as a polemicist, her book was credited with...
Literary responses
Lydia Maria Child
Her friends, from whom LMC
expected support, maintained a deafening silence over this novel. It seems likely that even abolitionists were not ready for depictions of mixed marriage, of which the book has three.
Clifford, Deborah Pickman. Crusader for Freedom. Beacon Press, 1992.
Literary responses
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
The story received serious attention from the literary community: poet John Greenleaf Whittier
and author and political radical Thomas Wentworth Higginson
both wrote letters of praise.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Production
Jean Ingelow
Two years after the release of her second volume entitled Poems, some of her verses appeared in a Canadian collection titled The New Poems of Jean Ingelow, J. G. Whittier
, H. W. Longfellow.
Already a seasoned European traveller, FB sailed from England for two years touring the USA from the north to the southern states, and also visiting Cuba. Her writing was was highly valued in America;...
No timeline events available.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, and Lydia Maria Child. “Introduction”. Letters of Lydia Maria Child, Arno Press and The New York Times, 1969, p. v - xxv.
Child, Lydia Maria, and John Greenleaf Whittier. Letters of Lydia Maria Child. Arno Press and The New York Times, 1969.
Ingelow, Jean et al. The New Poems of Jean Ingelow, J. G. Whittier, H. W. Longfellow. Belford Bros., 1876.
Greenwell, Dora, and John Greenleaf Whittier. The Patience of Hope. Ticknor and Fields, 1862.