William Bell Scott

Standard Name: Scott, William Bell
Used Form: W. B. Scott


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Long after his wife 's death, DGR seemed haunted by her memory. In 1868, the year before exhuming her grave, he expressed the belief that her spirit was in a chaffinch he encountered while staying...
Friends, Associates Christina Rossetti
The next year the Rossetti household was increased by the arrival of Ford Madox Brown 's ten-year-old daughter, Lucy , who came to them to be educated by Maria. Christina's brother William, who at this...
Friends, Associates Dora Greenwell
Among DG 's other writer friends were Elizabeth Charles , Margaret Hunt , and Sarah Tytler .
qtd. in
Marsh, Jan. Christina Rossetti: A Writer’s Life. Viking, 1995.
297-8, 429
Bett, Henry. Dora Greenwell. Epworth Press, 1950.
18-20, 22
Gray, Janet. “Dora Greenwell’s Commonplace Book”. Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1995, pp. 47-74.
50, 51
Gray, Janet. “The Sewing Contest: Christina Rossetti and the Other Women”. A/B: Auto/Biography Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1993, pp. 233-57.
Hickok, Kathleen. Representations of Women: Nineteenth-Century British Women’s Poetry. Greenwood Press, 1984.
She was also acquainted with Longfellow , William Bell Scott
Residence Anna Mary Howitt
On her family's departure for Brussels and thence to Italy, AMH and Alfred Watts moved to 19 Cheyne Walk in Chelsea. W. B. Scott remembered them living there around 1880, and described AMH as...
Textual Production Elizabeth Inchbald
EI 's novels were reprinted, with an introductory memoir by William Bell Scott , in a series featuring works of exceptional merit which have dropped out of current circulation.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2740 (1 May 1880): 564


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