Eliza Fenwick

Standard Name: Fenwick, Eliza
Birth Name: Eliza Jaco
Married Name: Eliza Fenwick
Pseudonym: A Woman
Pseudonym: E. F.
Pseudonym: the Rev. David Blair
EF , now known (after long obscurity) for her single, remarkable surviving epistolary novel of the radical school of the 1790s, also wrote characterful children's books and extremely vivid letters which extend several decades into the nineteenth century. Her second adult novel never materialised.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Dorothy Wordsworth
DW sent to Charles and Mary Lamb, by June 1804, some little scraps for a children's verse anthology which Eliza Fenwick was compiling, which was published the Tabart the next year as Songs for...
Dedications Mary Hays
It was published by Simpkin and Marshall , dedicated to Eliza Fenwick in these words: While the Atlantic rolls between us, allow me, dear friend, to gratify my feelings, by addressing to you this little...
Education Elizabeth Grant
While the family resided in London, theatre-going provided another much-welcomed form of education and entertainment. EG once attended a production of The Caravan, featuring John Kemble , in which Carlo, the famous Newfoundland...
Education Fanny Holcroft
FH 's upbringing was purposely and radically progressive. Eliza Fenwick 's intention of bringing her own children up without belief in God was shaken when she found herself disgusted & shocked at the blind, coarse...
Friends, Associates Joanna Baillie
On 11 May 1812 Henry Crabb Robinson recorded in his diary meeting JB and other women writers on a visit to Miss Benjers (Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger ). In his account of this pleasant evening...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
Having already praised many contemporary women writers in print, EOB was now able to meet them. The move to London was accomplished principally through the zealous friendship of Miss Sarah Wesley , who had already...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
The guests included Joanna Baillie , Jane Porter (both mentioned as celebrities) and Eliza Fenwick .
Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence. Editor Sadler, Thomas, 3rd ed., Macmillan, 1872, 2 vols.
Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary.
Friends, Associates Mary Hays
This was her most formative and most famous friendship. She had approached Wollstonecraft after the latter published Vindication of the Rights of Woman early that same year. Wollstonecraft proved a valuable professional mentor. Another relationship...
Friends, Associates Mary Wollstonecraft
At this time MW 's achievements were admired by Southey , Coleridge , and many English Jacobins who felt themselves oppressed. Her friends included Elizabeth Inchbald , Mary Robinson , and more warmly Eliza Fenwick
Friends, Associates Charlotte Smith
Probably after Mary Wollstonecraft's death, CS became a friend of William Godwin , Elizabeth Inchbald , and Eliza Fenwick . Also a friend was the publisher Joseph Johnson .
Fletcher, Loraine. Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography. Macmillan, 1998.
261, 288
Friends, Associates Thomas Holcroft
TH knew most of the English radicals of the day. For years before this he had been a particularly close friend of William Godwin , who regarded him as a mentor. The two men saw...
Friends, Associates Mary Robinson
MR remained devoted to the idea of female friendship. She met the artist Maria Cosway in France and they became firm friends. In her last months she wrote to the novelist Elizabeth Gunning to sympathise...
Friends, Associates Mary Lamb
ML 's friends (many of them made through Charles) included Eliza Fenwick (whose husband and Charles drank together), Henry Crabb Robinson , and many more canonical members of the Romantic movement. Charles was close to...
Friends, Associates Jane Porter
The Porters' mother lived a busy social life on limited means, and JP kept up this tradition. Sir Walter Scott was an early friend.
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 116. Gale Research, 1992.
When she moved to London, JP included among her friends...
Friends, Associates Anne Plumptre
Their friends included Eliza Fenwick , Helen Maria Williams , Susannah Taylor , Mary Hays , Amelia Opie , Thomas Holcroft , John Thelwall , and other radicals. AP supported Thelwall's local electioneering, and Ann Jebb


14 March 1786: An order was established to prevent wards...

Building item

14 March 1786

An order was established to prevent wards of the Upper and Lower Orphanage s in India (mixed-race boys) from travelling to Britain for education.
Neff, David Sprague. “Hostages to Empire: The Anglo-Indian Problem in Frankenstein, The Curse of Kehama, and The Missionary”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1997, pp. 386-08.

4 April 1788: At about the time that he lost his religious...

Writing climate item

4 April 1788

At about the time that he lost his religious faith, William Godwin began keeping a diary, which he continued almost daily until 26 March 1836, only two weeks before he died.
Clemit, Patricia. “William Godwin’s Papers in the Abinger Deposit: An Unmapped Country”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 3, Apr. 2004, pp. 253-63.
254-6, 258-9

January 1812: The Theatre Royal first opened in Bridgetown,...

Building item

January 1812

The Theatre Royal first opened in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Paul, Lissa. “Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840): Morality, Motherhood and the Colonial Encounter in Early Nineteenth Century Bridgetown”. Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, Vol.
, 2011, pp. 98-112.

6 March 1834: The settlement of York, population 9,250,...

National or international item

6 March 1834

The settlement of York, population 9,250, became Toronto, Upper Canada'sfirst incorporated municipality, with a mayor, aldermen and powers of taxation.
Gee, Marcus. “Moment in Time: March 6, 1834”. Globe and Mail, 6 Mar. 2013, p. A2.


Fenwick, Eliza, and Charles Parsons Knight. Infantine Stories. Tabart, 1810.
Hays, Mary et al. “Introduction”. The Fate of the Fenwicks, edited by Annie F. Wedd, Methuen, 1927, p. ix - xvi.
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2nd ed., Broadview, 1998, pp. 7 - 34, 361.
Fenwick, Eliza. Lessons for Children. M. J. Godwin, 1809.
Fenwick, Eliza. Mary and her Cat. Tabart, 1804, http://Very rare. The Bodleian has two copies, UCLA one, mutilated.
Fenwick, Eliza. Presents for Good Boys. Tabart, 1805.
Fenwick, Eliza. Presents for Good Girls. Tabart, 1804.
Fenwick, Eliza. Rays from the Rainbow. M. J. Godwin, 1812.
Fenwick, Eliza. Secresy. William Lane and others, 1795, 3 vols.
Fenwick, Eliza. Secresy. Editor Grundy, Isobel, Broadview, 1994.
Fenwick, Eliza. Secresy. Editor Grundy, Isobel, Revised, Broadview, 1998.
Fenwick, Eliza, editor. Songs for the Nursery. Tabart and Co., 1805.
Fenwick, Eliza. The Class Book. Richard Phillips, 1806.
Fenwick, Eliza, and Mary Hays. The Fate of the Fenwicks. Editor Wedd, Annie F., Methuen, 1927.
Fenwick, Eliza. The Life of Carlo, the Famous Dog of Drury-Lane Theatre. Tabart, 1804.
Fenwick, Eliza. Visits to the Juvenile Library. Tabart, 1805.