Ann Jebb

Standard Name: Jebb, Ann
Birth Name: Ann Torkington
Married Name: Ann Jebb
Pseudonym: Priscilla
Pseudonym: W- Bull
Pseudonym: - Bull
During the last quarter of the eighteenth century AJ was an intellectual journalist and controversialist, publishing on both theological and political topics. Most of her printed writing is epistolary, and she also wrote letters then and early in the next century on political topics to various Reform-minded male friends.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Ann Radcliffe
Dr John Jebb , Dissenting leader and husband of the polemical writer Ann Jebb , was her great-uncle. AR 's mother left a ring to her cousin Ann Jebb. But neither of the Jebbs is...
Friends, Associates Anne Plumptre
Their friends included Eliza Fenwick , Helen Maria Williams , Susannah Taylor , Mary Hays , Amelia Opie , Thomas Holcroft , John Thelwall , and other radicals. AP supported Thelwall's local electioneering, and Ann Jebb
Friends, Associates Mary Wollstonecraft
Newington Green was a fortunate place for MW to have settled: it was a centre of intellectual Dissent. There she met the radical minister Richard Price , the poet Samuel Rogers , and the teacher...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Hays
Among the book's contents are poems and fiction (including dream visions and an Oriental tale. Titles like Cleora, or the Misery Attending Unsuitable Connections and Josepha, or pernicious Effects of early Indulgence foreground Hays's didactic...
Publishing Ann Batten Cristall
Subscribers included Anna Letitia Barbauld and her brother , Ann Jebb , the future Amelia Opie , Anna Maria Porter , Mary Wollstonecraft and her sister, Mary Hays and her sister, a Mrs Spence who...


17 April 1774: The inaugural service was held at the first...

Building item

17 April 1774

The inaugural service was held at the first Unitarian chapel, in Essex Street, London.


Jebb, Ann. A Letter to the Author of An Observation on the Design of Establishing Annual Examinations at Cambridge. Fletcher and Hodson, 1774.
Jebb, Ann. A Letter to the Author of the Proposal for the Establishment of Public Examinations. Fletcher and Hodson, 1774.
Jebb, Ann. Two Penny-worth More of Truth for a Penny. C. Stalker, and Knott, 1793.
Jebb, Ann. Two Penny-worth of Truth for a Penny. Printed for the booksellers, 1793.