John Fenwick

Standard Name: Fenwick, John,, editor


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Family and Intimate relationships Mary Lamb
With the dawn of the nineteenth century, Charles Lamb embarked on a career in journalism. This began very shakily with producing knee-jerk anti-government ideology for John Fenwick (husband of the novelist Eliza), but became flourishing...
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
EF 's husband, John Fenwick , visited Paris with secret overtures from English radicals to the National Convention .
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2nd ed., Broadview, 1998, pp. 7 - 34, 361.
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
EF 's husband John Fenwick published On the Trial of James Coigley for High Treason, a fierce critique of the execution of Irish radical James Coigly .
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2nd ed., Broadview, 1998, pp. 7 - 34, 361.
Paul, Lissa. Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist. University of Delaware Press, 2019.
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
EF wrote to Mary Hays that she had determined, if possible, to consider myself & children totally separated from [John Fenwick 's] good or bad fortunes.
Fenwick, Eliza, and Mary Hays. The Fate of the Fenwicks. Editor Wedd, Annie F., Methuen, 1927.
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
William Godwin recorded in his diary the death of John Fenwick , estranged husband of EF (who was then living at New Haven, Connecticut).
Godwin, William. William Godwin’s Diary. 12 Nov. 2010,
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
The date of EF 's marriage to John Fenwick is not known, though it seems that she was young at the time, still in her teens. He was nine years older, like her the child...
Friends, Associates Thomas Holcroft
TH knew most of the English radicals of the day. For years before this he had been a particularly close friend of William Godwin , who regarded him as a mentor. The two men saw...
Friends, Associates Mary Lamb
ML 's friends (many of them made through Charles) included Eliza Fenwick (whose husband and Charles drank together), Henry Crabb Robinson , and many more canonical members of the Romantic movement. Charles was close to...
Wealth and Poverty Eliza Fenwick
EF 's husband , many times threatened with arrest for debt, went bankrupt and was confined in the Fleet Prison .
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2nd ed., Broadview, 1998, pp. 7 - 34, 361.


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