Elizabeth Brownrigg

Standard Name: Brownrigg, Elizabeth


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Literary responses Emily Brontë
This bowdlerized version of EB's novel and her poetry circulated widely and received many reviews. H. F. Chorley in the Athenæum pronounced the re-publication of the two novels an illustration of English female genius...


14 September 1767: Midwife Elizabeth Brownrigg was hanged at...

Building item

14 September 1767

Midwife Elizabeth Brownrigg was hanged at Tyburn (in London near the present Marble Arch) for the murder of Mary Clifford, a workhouse apprentice.
Allott, Miriam, editor. The Brontës. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.


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