Independent Church


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Katharine Evans
KE grew up an Anglican , but was clearly a religious seeker, since she joined the Baptists , then the Independents , before becoming one of the Society of Friends very soon after its inception...
Cultural formation Elizabeth Singer Rowe
ESR was an English middle-class dissenter or more properly Independent .
Marshall, Madeleine Forell. “Review of Paula Backscheider on Elizabeth Singer Rowe”. Scriblerian, Vol.
, No. 2, 1, 1 Mar.–30 Nov. 2016, pp. 159-61.
Cultural formation Susanna Parr
Now or soon afterwards SP and her Independent congregation (among which she remained the only woman until a little after this) made overtures to Lewis Stucley to become their minister.
Parr, Susanna. Susanna’s Apologie against the Elders. 1659.
Cultural formation Susanna Parr
SP went to Mr Eveleigh, an elder of her Independent church (of which the minister was Lewis Stucley ) to tell him she was leaving them.
Parr, Susanna. Susanna’s Apologie against the Elders. 1659.
Cultural formation Lucy Hutchinson
She grew up in the Puritan part of the Anglican faith. She came to share some of the beliefs of the Baptist s, and later still of the Presbyterian s or Independents . She then...
Cultural formation Elizabeth Avery
Born into the English middling ranks, she followed her father in having a turbulent history of denominational allegiance. He went from Anglicanism to heterodox views and millenarianism. She went from membership of the Established Church
Cultural formation Sarah Davy
SD , apparently by birth an Englishwoman of the middling ranks and an Anglican , converted, as one of the most significant actions of her life, to join an Independent or Baptist congregation. Some modern...
Cultural formation Maria De Fleury
MDF was a fervent Protestant, who had dealings with the sect of Baptists , as well as attending an Independent or Presbyterian congregation headed by John Towers (who wrote one of the prefaces to her...
Author summary Susanna Parr
SP was a religious apologist and polemicist: that is, once only, in 1659, when provoked by personal controversy within her former Independent congregation, she put an assertive self-defence in print.
Author summary Katherine Chidley
KC was the first woman to take up her pen in the political and religious crisis of the mid seventeenth century. Her pamphlets urge parliament to replace Anglicanism not by Presbyterianism but by Independency ...
Textual Features Katherine Chidley
The title exhorts him to begin the new yeare, with new fruits of love, first to God, and then to his brethren.
English Short Title Catalogue.
The Introduction or Epistle, To the Godly Reader explains why she has taken...
Textual Production Susanna Parr
SP defended herself in Susanna's Apologie against the Elders, when Lewis Stucley , minister of her former Independent congregation in Exeter, excommunicated her as climax of a prolonged mutual enmity.
The day and...
Textual Production Katherine Chidley
KC published her first attack on Thomas Edwards : The Justification of the Independant Churches of Christ.
McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Clarendon, 1998.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Sarah Davy
Following the early death of SD this year, her religious meditation or conversion narrative (Baptist or Independent ) was posthumously published as Heaven Realiz'd.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
British Library Catalogue.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Edna Lyall
The Burges children's father, though he is against Pusey ism, is broad-minded
Lyall, Edna. The Burges Letters: A Record of Child Life in the Sixties. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902.
about Puseyites as he is in other respects: visitors to their house include not only Anglicans but Moravians , a Baptist ...


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