Meanwhile, because members of Constable
's were serving in the armed forces, HW
went back to work in publishing. She became assistant editor of the Conservative monthly the Nineteenth Century and After (published by Constable)...
Rose Macaulay
After the war, RM
went to work as a reader of fiction for the Constable
publishing house, who shortly afterwards published her books What Not and Three Days.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.
Helen Waddell
In Michaelmas Term 1926 HW
had a second public academic success with an immensely popular course of lectures, contributed to the Oxford University programme by Lady Margaret Hall (LMH)
, under the title The Wandering...
During these last years many friends, both from Edinburgh and from earlier times in HCJ
's life, remained faithful visitors or letter-writers: these included members of the Constable
publishing family, John Ruffini
, and Vernon Lee
Stevenson, Robert Louis, and Fleeming Jenkin. “Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin”. Papers, Literary, Scientific, &c., edited by Sir Sidney Colvin et al., Longmans, Green, 1877, p. 1: xi - clxx.
Literary responses
F. Tennyson Jesse
The New Yorker described the letters as having vigour, clarity, humour and elegance, and found FTJ
and her husband a tough pair of gentle writers.
qtd. in
Colenbrander, Joanna. A Portrait of Fryn. A. Deutsch, 1984.
During the second world war Constable
's publishing office, where HW
still worked, was bombed but quickly repaired.
Blackett, Monica. The Mark of the Maker: A Portrait of Helen Waddell. Constable, 1973.
152, 154
Her own house twice suffered damage from bombing: in 1944 and 1945. On the first...
Jean Rhys
Her first publisher, Jonathan Cape
, turned down the novel as being too depressing, and Hamish Hamilton
wanted to cut it extensively. They were probably reacting particularly to her depicting an abortion.Constable
finally agreed...
The book was related to her highly successful lecture series of the same title given at Oxford the previous year, under the auspices of Lady Margaret Hall
, and based on research in the Bibliothèque Nationale
Naomi Mitchison
After long-drawn-out struggles with publishers over its sexual aspects, NM
succeeded in publishing (with Constable
) her first novel with a contemporary setting, We Have Been Warned.
The date is that of the Times...
Elizabeth Taylor
In 1942 to July 1943 she was working on (and completed) a novel called Never and Always, set in a seaside town, in which the central female character, Emily Hemingway, in her early thirties...
Elizabeth Inchbald
The publisher Robinson
initially encouraged EI
to write her memoirs. She worked at them for years in old age, sending them to friends and publishers for comment. Publishers proved difficult: they feared scandal, yet were...
Gwen Moffat
In 1998 GM
tried two new publishers: Severn House
for A Wreath of Dead Moths (about investigating the legacy of a plane crash in the mountains of Scotland soon after the second world war) and...
Muriel Spark
The book was not at the time published in the US or registered with the Library of Congress
. The result was a pirated edition, and largely for this reason MS
set about revising it...
1811: Publisher John Murray in London began working...