Fawcett Society


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Dora Marsden
Though some of DM 's activities and affiliations are unclear, studying and living in Manchester was a highly formative experience for her. By then the city had established strong ties with the labour and suffrage...
Education Edith Craig
Craig then was tutored privately at Dixton Manor Hall at Winchcombe in Gloucestershire, the home of Mrs Cole's sister, Elizabeth Malleson . Malleson had been an active member of the women's suffrage movement since...
Family and Intimate relationships Emmeline Pankhurst
Richard Pankhurst was already active in political life and closely interested in the enfranchisement of women. He had a history of involvement with organizations such as the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Bussy
Dorothy's immediate family was large and vibrant: she had nine surviving siblings, most of whom distinguished themselves in the public realm. Her sister Philippa (Pippa) Strachey (1872-1968) was a longtime suffragist who organized the first...
Family and Intimate relationships Henrietta Müller
Henrietta's mother, Maria Henrietta Müller , was of English descent, though she appears to have been born, like her children, in Valparaiso.
“FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service”. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
under Maria Miller (sic)
Mrs. Müller was committed, along with both her daughters...
Friends, Associates Clemence Dane
Toasts were proposed by suffragist Philippa Strachey and by Ethel Watts (chair of the Junior Council of the London and National Society for Women's Service ), the latter of whom hoped that in the future...
Friends, Associates Ella Hepworth Dixon
EHD also counted among her friends Gertrude Kinnell , constitutional suffragist and Chairman of the Society for Women's Suffrage (elected in August 1914). EHD once remembered how when the Suffragette movement was at its wildest...
Friends, Associates Eva Gore-Booth
In 1901 future suffrage leader Christabel Pankhurst met Esther Roper at a meeting of the North of England Society for Women's Suffrage (NESWS ). Roper introduced Pankhurst to EGB immediately after this, and the...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
In her speech to the London and National Society for Women's Service in 1931, VW described Ethel Smyth as of the race of pioneers, of pathmakers. She has gone before and felled trees and blasted...
Occupation Henrietta Müller
HM 's activities as a member of the London School Board , as member and office-holder of the National Society for Women's Suffrage and other organizations, and as a campaigner for better treatment for prostitutes...
Occupation Eva Gore-Booth
At the Settlement in Manchester, EGB supervised a young womens' theatre group and a poetry circle, and participated in a women's debating society called The Fawcett. The group was named after Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Performance of text Virginia Woolf
VW worked long and hard on the lengthy novel which finally became The Years. Its genesis goes back to her speech of 21 January 1931 at the London and National Society for Women's Service
politics Lydia Becker
LB was appointed Secretary of the Manchester committee for the promotion of the enfranchisement of women, an early local branch of what was soon to become the National Society for Women's Suffrage .
Blackburn, Helen. Women’s Suffrage. Source Book Press.
politics Florence Nightingale
In early 1866 FN signed John Stuart Mill 's petition for women's suffrage. She and Mill also exchanged a series of letters on the issue. Although she signed the petition, she thought that married women's...
politics Lydia Becker
LB brought to her suffrage activism a complete mastery
Blackburn, Helen. Women’s Suffrage. Source Book Press.
of Parliamentary procedure, acting as the official Parliamentary agent of the National Societies for Women's Suffrage .
Blackburn, Helen. Women’s Suffrage. Source Book Press.
188, 174
Helen Blackburn asserts that to members...


Autumn 1867: The London National Society for Women's Suffrage...

Building item

Autumn 1867

Early 1868: The regional suffrage committees combined...

National or international item

Early 1868

The regional suffrage committees combined to form the National Society for Women's Suffrage .

1872: The Central Committee of the National Society...

National or international item

1872: The Central Committee of the National Society...

National or international item

1877: The Central Committee of the National Society...

National or international item

1888: Two new groups emerged from the National...

National or international item


Two new groups emerged from the National Society for Women's Suffrage after internal dissension about permitting affiliations with other organisations: the Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage retained its existing name; the...

1888: The Central National Society for Women's...

National or international item

1888: The Central National Society for Women's...

National or international item

June 1889: Nineteenth Century published An Appeal against...

Building item

June 1889

Nineteenth Century published An Appeal against Female Suffrage by Mary Augusta Ward , signed by 103 other women.

1891: The National Society for Women's Suffrage...

Building item


The National Society for Women's Suffrage began publishing its annual in London.

1891: The Central and East of England Society for...

Building item


The Central and East of England Society for Women's Suffrage began to publish an annual paper in London.

January 1896: The Combined Sub-Committee was established...

National or international item

January 1896

January 1896: The Combined Sub-Committee was established...

National or international item

January 1896

1900: Both the National Society for Women's Suffrage...

Building item


27 April 1909: The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies...

National or international item

27 April 1909

The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies organized the Pageant of Women's Trades and Professions.


No bibliographical results available.