Philippa Strachey

Standard Name: Strachey, Philippa
Used Form: Pippa Strachey


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Julia Strachey
Another aunt, Philippa (Pippa) Strachey was like other women in the family a committed suffrage leader and writer.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Strachey, Julia, and Frances Partridge. Julia: A Portrait of Julia Strachey. Little, Brown, 1983.
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Bussy
Dorothy's immediate family was large and vibrant: she had nine surviving siblings, most of whom distinguished themselves in the public realm. Her sister Philippa (Pippa) Strachey (1872-1968) was a longtime suffragist who organized the first...
Family and Intimate relationships Amabel Williams-Ellis
Amabel Strachey had a long roster of talented, accomplished relations by birth and marriage. Within her own generation her cousins or cousins by marriage included the writers Lytton Strachey , Ray Strachey , and Dorothy Bussy
Family and Intimate relationships Ray Strachey
Ray Costelloe's admiration and friendship for Pippa Strachey and for the Strachey family in general helped to bring her together with her future husband. In the 1920s they worked together for the women's movement: Ray...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Bussy
La Souco was visited regularly by all of their Bloomsbury Group friends, among them Lytton and the other Strachey siblings, the Vanessa and Clive Bell , Virginia and Leonard Woolf , John Maynard Keynes and...
Friends, Associates Clemence Dane
Toasts were proposed by suffragist Philippa Strachey and by Ethel Watts (chair of the Junior Council of the London and National Society for Women's Service ), the latter of whom hoped that in the future...
Leisure and Society Dorothy Bussy
Pontigny was a regular gathering place of European and British intellectuals. Pernel and Pippa Strachey also attended sessions there during the summer of 1922, though possibly not at the same time as DB .
Occupation Ray Strachey
Philippa Strachey was also active in the bureau, which shifted after the war to dealing with the problems of women newly unemployed because of men returning from the armed forces. Edith Lyttelton joined in the...
politics Virginia Woolf
Virginia's work consisted mainly of addressing envelopes, and she committed herself only to some weeks of this at the beginning and end of 1910. But she was also associated with the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies
politics Virginia Woolf
The event was organized in part by Pippa Strachey ; other guests included Vanessa Bell , Cicely Hamilton , Laura Knight , Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson , and T. S. Eliot . Here Woolf...
politics Ray Strachey
Her initial interest in suffrage grew from her association with Lady Strachey and Philippa Strachey , both suffragists and her future in-laws. Ray worked for the nonmilitant constitutionalist Millicent Fawcett , and thought the militant...
Textual Production Dorothy Bussy
In 1921 DB began to record her relationship with Gide in private volumes that both referred to as the black notebook. It is possible that these were the diaries which Pippa Strachey later urged...


9 February 1907: The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies...

Building item

9 February 1907

The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies organised a demonstration to coincide with the opening of the next session of Parliament (the biggest suffragist public event so far); because of the pouring rain, it became...


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