Along with her novels MD
has regularly published short stories. She edited a collection of such stories, An Anthology, in 1976.
Stovel, Nora Foster. “Introduction to Margaret Drabble”. Persuasions, Vol.
, –16 Dec. 1993, p. 74.
The Reunion, which first appeared in Women Writing, ed. Denys...
Ethel Sidgwick
's first play for children (based on a famous Victorian story), Thackeray
's Rose and the Ring, Dramatised in two acts, appeared in the anthology Plays for Schools, from her brother
's firm Sidgwick and Jackson
British Library Catalogue.
Family and Intimate relationships
Judith Kazantzis
's father, Francis Aungier Pakenham, was an Oxford
academic teaching political science when his daughter Judith was born. He was already a maverick: he commanded the Oxford Local Defence Volunteers
(later the Home Guard)...
Family and Intimate relationships
Antonia Fraser
's father, born Francis Aungier (Frank) Pakenham, was an Oxford
academic whose subject was politics. He became the seventh Earl of Longford
in 1961, but he had already been made Baron Pakenham by Clement Attlee
Family and Intimate relationships
Ethel Sidgwick
Of the brothers, Frank
became an author and more importantly a publisher (founder of the firm of Sidgwick and Jackson
), while Hugh became a civil servant.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Arthur Sidgwick
Judith Kazantzis
published another poetry volume, The Wicked Queen. After this her publisher, Sidgwick and Jackson
, decided to discontinue its poetry list.
British Library Catalogue.
Kazantzis, Judith et al. Touch Papers. Allison and Busby, 1982.
Rose Macaulay
Many of the poems here, according to a friend, were written on trains.
Hamilton, Mary Agnes. Remembering My Good Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1944.
says this book came out at white heat and, what is more, I wrote all the best bits, the juicy bits, first, all the bits that were most exciting and satisfying to write, like...
Phyllis Bentley
's third novel, The Spinner of the Years, was published by Ernest Benn
, after having been rejected by Sidgwick and Jackson
, her previous publisher.
Johnson, George M., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 191. Gale Research, 1998.
Bentley, Phyllis. "O Dreams, O Destinations". Gollancz, 1962.
Elizabeth Bowen
It was published by Sidgwick and Jackson
, and re-issued with Ann Lee's and Other Stories in Early Stories on 8 January 1951.
Sellery, J’nan M., and William O. Harris. Elizabeth Bowen: A Bibliography. University of Texas, 1981.
19-20, 73-4
Katharine Tynan
Flower of Youth was so popular that KT
's publishers, Sidgwick and Jackson
, printed and sold it as a leaflet, donating the profits to the Red Cross
Tynan, Katharine. The Years of the Shadow. Constable, 1919.
Githa Sowerby
The play was published that year in London by Sidgwick and Jackson
, and in New York (where it opened in December the same year with the same cast)
Riley, Patricia. Looking for Githa. New Writing North, 2009.
In Environment, PB
first introduces the fictional town of Hudley (based on Halifax), West Riding of Yorkshire, which was to be the main setting for most of her novels and short stories. The...
Textual Production
Evelyn Sharp
In another short-story volume, The War of All the Ages, published by Sidgwick and Jackson
in 1915, ES
included The Adventure, in which she uses her painfully acquired personal knowledge of prison to...
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
2 November 1908: Sidgwick and Jackson Limited at 3 Adam Street,...