

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Jemima Tautphoeus
JT 's fiction received mixed reviews during her life. A Mrs Marie Barrett-Lennard of Sevenoaks went to some trouble to locate copies of her books in the late 1920s, when one might have supposed her...
Author summary Margaret Roberts
MR wrote from youth until old age, mostly during the later nineteenth century. She usually remained anonymous, though she did eventually give permission to the firm of Tauchnitz to put her name on some of...
Author summary Dorothea Gerard
DG was a novelist and romance-writer whose general conservatism co-existed with a piercing eye for relations across national and ethnic divides, for antisemitism and other forms of prejudice. She was the author, too, of an...
Publishing Frances Mary Peard
A Tauchnitz edition followed the next year.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Publishing Mona Caird
This volume was reprinted the following year by Tauchnitz in Leipzig as The English Library no. 94
Forward, Stephanie. “A Study in Yellow: Mona Caird’s ’The Yellow Drawing-Room’”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, 2000, pp. 295-07.
Publishing Caroline Norton
Serialization of CN 's novel Old Sir Douglas began in Macmillan's Magazine; it was issued in volumes by Tauchnitz in Leipzig and Lippincott in Philadelphia in 1867 as well as by two different London publishers.
Chedzoy, Alan. A Scandalous Woman: The Story of Caroline Norton. Allison and Busby, 1995.
Publishing Jemima Tautphoeus
JT (as the Baroness Tautphoeus) published her third novel, Quits, in three volumes; a Tauchnitz edition followed the next year.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870. http://replay.web.archive.org/20070714065452/http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~asp/v2/home.html.
1558 (1857): 1112
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
Publishing Emmuska Baroness Orczy
Transylvania, EBO 's mother's province, had been assigned to Romania (after fifty years as a part of Hungary) in the carve-up of territory after World War One. EBO , who claimed that she knew...
Publishing Henrietta Camilla Jenkin
HCJ published another novel, Skirmishing, in 1862. Since it was not reviewed in the Athenæum until May of 1863, it probably appeared late in the year. It appeared in a Tauchnitz edition in 1863...
Publishing Marie Corelli
A Tauchnitz edition appeared the same year.
Publishing Margaret Oliphant
MO relates in her autobiography the genesis of this story. Having had several articles rejected by Blackwood's, she went to see the brothers and offer them a novel for serialisation. They shook their heads...
Publishing Emmuska Baroness Orczy
This novel came out in a Tauchnitz edition in the year of its London publication.
Publishing Henrietta Camilla Jenkin
This novel reached a Tauchnitz edition in 1865.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Publishing Dorothea Gerard
DG published a novel entitled in EnglandThe Blood-Tax: A Military Romance, in the Tauchnitz edition The Blood-Tax: A Study in Militarism, and in the USAThe Blood-Tax only.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012]. http://www.gale.com/c/the-times-literary-supplement-historical-archive.
21 (6 June 1902): 164
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Publishing Julia Kavanagh
Two years before Nathalie appeared, JK had told Charlotte Brontë that Jane Eyrehad been to her a suggestive book. Reporting this, Brontë added, and I know that suggestive books are valuable to authors.
Wise, Thomas J., editor. The Brontës. Porcupine Press, 1980, 4 vols.
II: 182


1875: Lucy Walford's light-hearted novel Mr. Smith:...

Women writers item


Lucy Walford 's light-hearted novel Mr. Smith: A Part of His Life appeared in Edinburgh and London before publication by Tauchnitz in Germany the following year.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.


Birchenough, Mabel. Potsherds. Tauchnitz, 1899.