Doody, Margaret Anne. Frances Burney: The Life in the Works. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Dedications | Frances Burney | FB
published her last novel, The Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties, with a lengthy dedication to her father
. Doody, Margaret Anne. Frances Burney: The Life in the Works. Cambridge University Press, 1988. 317 |
Employer | Frances Burney | Before becoming an author herself, FB
worked as amanuensis or copyist to her father
, regularly transcribing his work to go to the printer. Hemlow, Joyce. The History of Fanny Burney. Clarendon, 1958. 47-8 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Sarah Harriet Burney | Much has been written on Charles Burney
's relations with his children. He was an intensely caring, controlling, and emotionally demanding father. His children loved him, but with ambivalence. His furtherance of Frances Burney's career... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Charlotte Smith | In August 1793 Augusta married Alexandre de Foville, a French émigré, in spite of difficulties caused by the difference of religion and lack of parental consent, without which the groom was not entitled to marry... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Frances Burney | FB
's father, the musicologist and music teacher Charles Burney
, was a man of great charm and ability who rose to eminence by his own efforts. He numbered among his friends members of the... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth Meeke | In 1767 Eliza Allen married again. Her second husband was the widowed, rising musician Charles Burney
. Macdonald, Simon. “Identifying Mrs Meeke: Another Burney Family Novelist”. Review of English Studies, Oxford University Press, 8 Feb. 2013. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Sarah Harriet Burney | SHB
's mother, formerly Elizabeth Allen
, a widow with three children when she married Charles Burney
, was disliked and resented not only by her step-children but apparently by her own children as well... |
Friends, Associates | Hester Lynch Piozzi | Other Streatham habitueés were Sir Joshua Reynolds
, Arthur Murphy
, Edmund Burke
, Oliver Goldsmith
, Charles Burney
, and David Garrick
. Clifford, James L. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Thrale). Clarendon Press, 1987. 157 |
Friends, Associates | Frances Brooke | As a result of her friendship with the musicologist Charles Burney
(1726-1814), FB
became a friend of his daughter Frances
as well. McMullen, Lorraine. An Odd Attempt in a Woman: The Literary Life of Frances Brooke. University of British Columbia Press, 1983. 135 |
Friends, Associates | Samuel Johnson | Johnson had a talent for friendship which he kept well exercised: the names mentioned here represent only a selection of his friendships. His early London friends, whom he met during a comparatively poorly documented period... |
Friends, Associates | Vernon Lee | Cornelia corresponded regularly with Violet for four years (until her death), encouraging the latter's interests in European, especially Italian, literature and music, as well as the development of Violet's own work. Cornelia gave Violet a... |
Friends, Associates | Margaret Bingham Countess Lucan | She was a well-known figure in London cultural circles, particularly that of the Bluestockings. Charles Burney
called her at-home evenings blue conversazioni's and Horace Walpole
called them quite Mazarine-blue. Others specifically mentioned in... |
Friends, Associates | Hannah More | Here she began to gather the circle of friends which by the end of her long life had touched every cranny of English society. She had already met Edmund Burke
in Bristol the previous September... |
Literary responses | Sarah Harriet Burney | Charles Burney
, too, slighted his youngest daughter's work in comparison with the elder's. Burney, Sarah Harriet. “Editor’s Introduction”. The Letters of Sarah Harriet Burney, edited by Lorna J. Clark, Georgia University Press, 1997. lxii |
Literary responses | Anne Hunter | Charles Burney
wrote to congratulate AH
on writing words so suitable for singing. Hunter, Anne. The Life and Poems of Anne Hunter, Haydn’s Tuneful Voice. Editor Grigson, Caroline, Liverpool University Press, 2009. 72 |
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