Linnean Society


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Jane Loudon
He was a member of the Society of Arts and a fellow of the Linnean Society , had published a number of books and exhibited as a painter at the Royal Academy , carried out...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Cobbold
EC corresponded with members of the London scientific intelligentsia: Sir James Edward Smith , first President of the Linnean Society (who encouraged Charlotte Smith to introduce botanical information into her novels, but proved singularly unhelpful...
Textual Production Charlotte Smith
It was in this year that CS wrote to the President of the Linnean Society .
Shteir, Ann B. “Iconographies of Flora: Charlotte Smith’s ’enchanting Goddess of the flowery tribe’”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA.
Textual Production Anna Atkins
It appeared before Fox Talbot 's The Pencil of Nature, 1844-6, which does not therefore, technically, deserve being called, as it sometimes is, the first photobook. But his work, unlike Atkins's, was commercially...
Textual Production Beatrix Potter
A paper written by BP was presented at a meeting of the Linnean Society ; she could not give it herself since women were not allowed to attend.
MacDonald, Ruth K. Beatrix Potter. Twayne.


1 July 1858: Papers on the theory of natural selection...

Building item

1 July 1858

Papers on the theory of natural selection by Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin were read at a meeting of the Linnean Society .


No bibliographical results available.