Caroline Bowles

Standard Name: Bowles, Caroline
Birth Name: Caroline Bowles
Pseudonym: C
Pseudonym: E
Pseudonym: A
Pseudonym: The Author of Ellen Fitzarthur
Pseudonym: The Authoress of Ellen Fitzarthur
Pseudonym: Baroness de Katzleben
Married Name: Caroline Southey
Used Form: Mrs Caroline Southey
Used Form: Mrs Southey
Used Form: Caroline Bowles Southey
Used Form: Caroline Southey
Used Form: the author of Solitary Hours
CB was a nineteenth-century poet, essayist, and writer of prose fiction. She published extensively in periodicals, particularly Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, and her works were often collected in volume form. Her verse is sometimes sentimental but can also be humorous and satirical. Her oeuvre includes children's literature, reviews, and verse autobiography. She was popular during her day but has since received little attention, except in her capacity as second wife of Poet Laureate Robert Southey .


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization L. E. L.
LEL's poetry was included in Christian Isobel Johnstone 's 1842 Rational Reading Lessons for children, and in 1879 in Louisa Anne Meredith 's Our Island Home, A Tasmanian Sketch Book, alongside other work by...
death Robert Southey
RS , Poet Laureate, died at Greta Hall, Keswick, Cumberland, after a long decline; he had married Caroline Bowles (a long-time correspondent) four years earlier.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Dedications Mary Howitt
The work was dedicated to Caroline Bowles , with whom MH 's sometimes shaky friendship was currently flourishing.
Woodring, Carl Ray. Victorian Samplers: William and Mary Howitt. University of Kansas Press, 1952.
Its year-date comes from the copy in the Osborne Collection at Toronto, and the narrower...
Education Dora Greenwell
Thereafter, she taught herself, studying philosophy, Latin, German, Italian, French, political economy, and theology.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Dorling, William. Memoirs of Dora Greenwell. James Clarke, 1885.
She was very well read and took a particular interest in the writings of Caroline Norton , Felicia Hemans
Family and Intimate relationships Robert Southey
Perhaps ironically, his second wife turned out to be a writer.
Friends, Associates Mary Howitt
Visitors who stayed with the Howitts at The Elms included Hans Christian Andersen , Tennyson , Elizabeth Gaskell , and Eliza Meteyard , who wrote as Silver Pen. Their circle also included Charles Dickens
Friends, Associates Grace Aguilar
GA met Caroline Bowles (later Southey) at a ball in Teignmouth in Devon.
Abrahams, Beth-Zion. “Grace Aguilar: A Centenary Tribute”. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, Vol.
, 1952, pp. 137-48.
Friends, Associates Anna Eliza Bray
This brief marriage brought Anna Eliza a number of literary friendships: with Sir Walter Scott , Amelia Opie , Letitia Elizabeth Landon , John Murray , Robert Southey , and later with Southey's second wife,...
Friends, Associates Anna Eliza Bray
Four years later, when Southey 's health was in decline, his recently-married second wife, the poet Caroline Bowles , struck up a correspondence with AEB . This relationship by letter lasted for fourteen years, although...
Friends, Associates Mary Maria Colling
It was, said Bray, four or five years after their first meeting before Colling took the decisive action of revealing some of her poems. Bray made contact for her with Caroline Bowles as well as...
Literary responses Camilla Crosland
CC enjoyed moderate success during her life. Her writings earned her a modest income (in the 1840s it was about fifty pounds a year) and the critics were generally complimentary.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
A review in the Morning...
Literary responses Mary Howitt
Among much critical condemnation of The Seven Temptations (and particular harshness from William Jerdan ),
Woodring, Carl Ray. Victorian Samplers: William and Mary Howitt. University of Kansas Press, 1952.
the Athenæum acknowledged that we have gone through the whole volume with sincere pleasure, and judged that MH exhibited...
Publishing Felicia Hemans
FH 's poems regularly appeared in periodicals, including The New Monthly Magazine from 1823. Publishing with Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine from 1827, she asked William Blackwood to match her rate of more than a pound per...
Reception Lydia Howard Sigourney
She was deservedly criticised for printing in this book the text of a private letter from Caroline Bowles which revealed how much mental confusion Bowles's husband, Robert Southey , suffered in his last years.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Features Elizabeth Gaskell
Fallen women were by then a cultural obsession. Caroline Bowles had treated the subject in Ellen Fitzarthur (1820). Thomas Hood had depicted both the exploitation of seamstresses in The Song of the Shirt (1843) and...


No timeline events available.


Bowles, Caroline. Autumn Flowers and Other Poems. Saxton, Peirce, 1844.
Bowles, Caroline. Chapters on Churchyards. W. Blackwood, 1829, 2 vols.
Bowles, Caroline. “Devereux Hall”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 486-04.
Bowles, Caroline. Ellen Fitzarthur. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820.
Bowles, Caroline. “Fanny Fairfield”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 198 - 208; 391.
Bowles, Caroline. Gems Selected from the Poems of Caroline Bowles. Light and Horton, 1836.
Bowles, Caroline. Harmless Johnny. Editor Greenwell, Dora, Strahan, 1868.
Southey, Robert, and Caroline Bowles. “Introduction”. The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles, edited by Edward Dowden, Hodges, Figgis, 1881, p. vi - xxxii.
Bowles, Caroline. “La petite Madelaine”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 205-27.
Southey, Robert, and Caroline Bowles. Robin Hood, A Fragment. W. Blackwood and Sons, 1847.
Bowles, Caroline. Solitary Hours. W. Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1826.
Bowles, Caroline. Tales of the Factories. William Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1833.
Bowles, Caroline. The Birth-Day. W. Blackwood, 1836.
Bowles, Caroline, and George Cruikshank. The Cat’s Tail. Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1831.
Southey, Robert, and Caroline Bowles. The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles. Editor Dowden, Edward, Hodges, Figgis, 1881.
Bowles, Caroline. “The Early Called”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 82 - 94; 196.
Southey, Robert, and Charles Cuthbert Southey. The Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell. Editor Bowles, Caroline, J. Murray, 1844, 3 vols.
Bowles, Caroline. “The Little Brook and the Star”. Literary Souvenir, 1828, pp. 289-04.
Bowles, Caroline. The Poetical Works of Caroline Bowles Southey. W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867, 4 vols.
Bowles, Caroline. The Select Literary Works, Prose and Verse, of Mrs. Caroline Southey. S. Andrus and Son, 1851.
Bowles, Caroline. The Widow’s Tale and Other Poems. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1822.
Bowles, Caroline. “The Young Grey Head”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 202-8.
Bowles, Caroline. “This Time Two Years”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, 1837, pp. 752-61.
Bowles, Caroline. “To the Author of ’The Shepherd’s Calendar’”. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 655-58.