Louisa Anne Meredith

Standard Name: Meredith, Louisa Anne
Birth Name: Louisa Anne Twamley
Married Name: Louisa Anne Meredith
Married Name: Mrs Charles Meredith
LAM began publishing in England during the 1830s. Motivated by a strong love of nature and later inspired by her surroundings in Tasmania (where she arrived in 1840), she produced a total of twenty-one books, sixteen of which appeared following her marriage and immigration to Australasia. Her oeuvre consists of three autobiographical travel narratives, six illustrated books of verse on botany and natural history, four books for children, a novels, two works of poetry, and a number of essays and poems published in periodicals. She contributed significantly to the understanding of Australia—its landscape, its people, and its emergent identity—in the Victorian British imagination.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization L. E. L.
LEL's poetry was included in Christian Isobel Johnstone 's 1842 Rational Reading Lessons for children, and in 1879 in Louisa Anne Meredith 's Our Island Home, A Tasmanian Sketch Book, alongside other work by...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Loudon
While deliberately selecting flowers for their aesthetic qualities, she expresses a wish for botany to become a subject as common in girls' schools as French and music.
Howe, Bea. Lady with Green Fingers. Country Life.
She quotes flower poems by, among others,...
Textual Features Elizabeth Rigby
The article focuses on works by writers such as Louisa Anne Meredith and Matilda Charlotte Houstoun . ER voices the belief that women's fine observation skills make them well suited for travel writing and notes...
Textual Production Pandita Ramabai
While among the Sisters of St Mary the Virgin at Wantage in England, PR wrote a letter to the former governor of Bombay, Sir Henry Bartle Edward Frere , entitled The Cry of...


1881: A religious novel published this year with...

Women writers item


A religiousnovel published this year with 1882 on its title-page, Nellie; or Seeking Goodly Pearls by Mrs Meredith, has been wrongly ascribed to Louisa Anne Meredith , but is actually by the Evangelical Christian Susanna Meredith .


Meredith, Louisa Anne. A Tasmanian Memory of 1834. J. Walch and Sons, 1869.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Bush Friends in Tasmania. Macmillan, 1891.
Andrews, James, and Louisa Anne Meredith. Flora’s Gems. Charles Tilt, 1837.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. My Home in Tasmania. John Murray, 1852.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. My Home in Tasmania. Cambridge University Press, 2010, http://www.cambridge.org/series/sSeries.asp?code=CLOR.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Notes and Sketches of New South Wales. John Murray, 1844.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Notes and Sketches of New South Wales. Ure Smith, 1973.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Notes and Sketches of New South Wales. Cambridge University Press, 2010, http://www.cambridge.org/series/sSeries.asp?code=CLOR.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Our Wild Flowers. Charles Tilt, 1839.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Our Wild Flowers. Tilt and Bogue, 1843.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Phoebe’s Mother. Tinsley Brothers, 1869.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Poems. Charles Tilt, 1835.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Some of my Bush Friends in Tasmania. Day and Son, 1860.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Tasmanian Friends and Foes. J. Walch and Sons, 1880.
Andrews, James, and Louisa Anne Meredith. The Parterrre. Tilt and Bogue, 1842.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. The Romance of Nature. Charles Tilt, 1836.