Vera Brittain

Standard Name: Brittain, Vera
Birth Name: Vera Mary Brittain
From her university days before the First World War, VB was determined to be a writer. Her career as a novelist never fulfilled her own expectations; it was not until the publication of Testament of Youth, the first of her volumes combining autobiography with social and cultural history, that she achieved significant success. She also wrote both poetry and pamphlets. Much of her oeuvre is politically engaged, from her feminist journalism and social criticism of the 1920s to her pacifist writings of World War II.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Storm Jameson
In November 1928 SJ was one of many authors (including E. M. Forster , Virginia and Leonard Woolf , and Desmond MacCarthy ) prepared to testify in defence of Radclyffe Hall 's lesbian novel The...
politics Mary Stott
She scorned much of the debate as waffle but admired the clear, warm voice and the lucid, rational analysis offered by Shirley Williams (daughter of Vera Brittain ). Sitting with other, mostly young women in...
politics Lady Ottoline Morrell
She became an activist for pacifism, a movement in which she played many roles. She joined the Union for Democratic Control , whose meetings were soon being held at her home (and whose members included...
politics Dora Russell
The Council for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (forerunner of CND) was founded. DR was present at its inaugural meeting next day; other prominent members were Vera Brittain , Julian Huxley , J. B. Priestley
politics Dora Russell
It featured such speakers as Vera Brittain , Ethel Mannin , Naomi Mitchison , Marie Stopes , Desmond MacCarthy , Bertrand Russell , and G. B. Shaw . Papers given included DR 's Marriage and...
politics Dora Russell
Other speakers included Vera Brittain , Clemence Dane , Megan Lloyd George , and Storm Jameson (all Six Point Vice-Presidents). The conference also involved the Married Women's Association and the National Union of Women Teachers
politics Maude Royden
Before embarking on this trip, MR sought advice from fellow feminist and pacifist Vera Brittain , who had recently travelled to the US, on how best to approach the American people on the subject of peace.
politics Sylvia Townsend Warner
Critic Arnold Rattenbury feels that STW 's decision to join the Communist Party was the logical outcome of her earlier political choices, rather than a change of direction or feeling.
Rattenbury, Arnold. “How the sanity of poets can be edited away”. London Review of Books, 14 Oct. 1999, pp. 15-19.
She and Ackland were...
politics Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
The group's agenda was to obtain legislative improvements in child-assault laws, the position of unmarried mothers, equality of both parents in guardianship rights, equal pay for teachers, equal civic service opportunities for women and men...
politics Winifred Holtby
She and Vera Brittain regularly attended the League of Nations Assembly in Geneva. In 1924 they went on a lecture tour of Central Europe for the Union.
Shaw, Marion. The Clear Stream: A Life of Winifred Holtby. Virago, 1999.
Berry, Paul, and Mark Bostridge. Vera Brittain: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Through her lectures, WH advocated...
politics Winifred Holtby
WH credited Vera Brittain with making her a feminist during their years at Oxford. Before then, Winifred claimed that her mother's strong presence within her family had left her unaware that women suffered social and...
Author summary May Cannan
MC was a war poet in and shortly after the First World War. In her (posthumously published) autobiography she performs, from a different viewpoint, something of the same function as Vera Brittain as the historian...
Publishing Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
At first the journal appeared monthly for threepence an issue, but within six months it began appearing weekly for a penny an issue. Its circulation reached 30,000 by 1909, and much of its profits came...
Publishing Storm Jameson
The plans for this publication were set in motion at a dinner party at the Wellington Club, hosted by Viscount Cecil and organized primarily by Jameson and Philip Noel-Baker . SJ also edited the...
Publishing Dorothy Whipple
DW must have been writing and publishing stories before her first novel appeared, since she was working on High Wages when her Miss Boddy was printed in Everyman and she recorded it as her first...


No timeline events available.


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