Vera Brittain

Standard Name: Brittain, Vera
Birth Name: Vera Mary Brittain
From her university days before the First World War, VB was determined to be a writer. Her career as a novelist never fulfilled her own expectations; it was not until the publication of Testament of Youth, the first of her volumes combining autobiography with social and cultural history, that she achieved significant success. She also wrote both poetry and pamphlets. Much of her oeuvre is politically engaged, from her feminist journalism and social criticism of the 1920s to her pacifist writings of World War II.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Winifred Holtby
After WH completed The Crowded Street, she began work on a historical romance based on the life of John Wycliffe and titled The Runners.
Shaw, Marion. The Clear Stream: A Life of Winifred Holtby. Virago, 1999.
By February 1927, nine publishers had rejected this...
Textual Production Winifred Holtby
This political drama, originally titled Hope of Thousands, was completed just months before Holtby's death in 1935, and by 1939 had not reached production. Vera Brittain arranged to have it published with minor revisions...
Textual Production Winifred Holtby
Vera Brittain compiled a posthumous collection of WH 's poetry, published as The Frozen Earth, and Other Poems.
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge, 1996.
Textual Production Judith Kazantzis
This remarkable anthology brings to a wider audience poems by many otherwise unknown writers, as well as by, for instance, Vera Brittain , Edith Sitwell , Nancy Cunard , Cicely Hamilton , Rose Macaulay ,...
Textual Production Winifred Holtby
Hilda Reid and Vera Brittain edited a collection of WH 's short stories, published as Pavements at Anderby.
Berry, Paul, and Mark Bostridge. Vera Brittain: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Textual Production Winifred Holtby
WH 's anti-Fascistplay, Take Back Your Freedom, was posthumously published with an introduction by Vera Brittain and Tyrone Guthrie .
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Simone de Beauvoir
A valedictory volume of SB 's autobiography appeared under the title of Tout compte fait (translated into English in 1974 by Patrick O'Brian as All Said and Done).
The original title is bound to...
Textual Production Storm Jameson
SJ edited and wrote in Challenge to Death: A Symposium on War and Peace, an anthology featuring Vera Brittain , Winifred Holtby , Rebecca West , Edmund Blunden , Julian Huxley , J. B. Priestley , and Guy Chapman .
Birkett, Jennifer. Margaret Storm Jameson: A Life. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Jameson, Storm, editor. Challenge to Death. Constable, 1934.
Jameson, Storm. Journey from the North. Harper and Row, 1970.
Textual Production Jan Morris
More than a decade later, in 1978, JM followed her own portrait of Oxford by editing The Oxford Book of Oxford, a quirky anthology of often very short anecdotes and other excerpts, aimed less...
Textual Production Stevie Smith
SS 's list of requisites for a critic or reviewer goes like this: Attention, impartiality, and no regard for age or sex.
Smith, Stevie. Me Again. Editors Barbera, Jack and William McBrien, Vintage, 1983.
In April 1941 she was reviewing for John O'London's, Country Life...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Kathleen E. Innes
The pamphlet maintains that those who do not actually engage in the battle are perhaps in a position to make a saner judgment upon it as a whole than those who do.
Innes, Kathleen E. Women and War. Friends’ Peace Committee, 1934.
Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995.
Travel Kathleen E. Innes
The tours were designed to acquaint League of Nations Union speakers with the workings of the League. Social and cultural events and tours of Geneva and environs were also arranged. Vera Brittain , a LNU...


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