National Union of Women Teachers


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Margaret Haig, Viscountess Rhondda
The group's agenda was to obtain legislative improvements in child-assault laws, the position of unmarried mothers, equality of both parents in guardianship rights, equal pay for teachers, equal civic service opportunities for women and men...
politics Dora Russell
Other speakers included Vera Brittain , Clemence Dane , Megan Lloyd George , and Storm Jameson (all Six Point Vice-Presidents). The conference also involved the Married Women's Association and the National Union of Women Teachers


Saturday 19 June 1926: About a hundred thousand participants of...

National or international item

Saturday 19 June 1926

About a hundred thousand participants of the Peacemakers' Pilgrimage (all wearing blue armbands showing the white dove of peace and the word Pax) converged on Hyde Park in London.

2 February 1927: Margaret Rhondda, as Chairman of the Equal...

National or international item

2 February 1927

Margaret Rhondda , as Chairman of the Equal Political Rights Campaign Committee , with many other suffrage veterans, signed a letter to the editor of The Times pressing for women to vote on equal terms with men.


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