Edgar Allan Poe

Standard Name: Poe, Edgar Allan


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Maya Angelou
Marguerite Johnson had already become a voracious reader, both of Black writers and of canonical dead white males. Shakespeare , she wrote later, was my first white love.
Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Heinemann New Windmill Series.
She also enjoyed and respected...
Education Patricia Highsmith
PH went to various schools. She was removed from her first NewYork public school because her grandmother objected to her making friends with black children. Then came a small and select private school which she...
Education Flannery O'Connor
By this time her reading at home, which was always eclectic depending on what was available, was dominated by an ten-volume edition of Edgar Allan Poe .
Gooch, Brad. Flannery. Little, Brown and Co.
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Lewis
Their marriage is presumed to have been childless.
Garraty, John A., and Mark C. Carnes, editors. American National Biography. Oxford University Press.
13: 570
Sylvanus D. Lewis offered advice to Edgar Allan Poe while Poe was being sued for libel. He died in 1882, twenty-four years after separating from...
Friends, Associates Sarah Lewis
Sarah Lewis and her husband began their relationship with Edgar Allan Poe and his family.
Garraty, John A., and Mark C. Carnes, editors. American National Biography. Oxford University Press.
13: 571
Friends, Associates Sarah Lewis
Following Poe 's death, Maria Clemm continued frequently to visit SL , who eventually began to tire of her. Clemm apparently, because of her jealous desire to have Poe as exclusively her own,
Silverman, Kenneth. Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance. Harper Collins.
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Critics are divided as to who should be seen as the detective in the novel, since there are several candidates. In its title—evoking both an Edgar Allan Poe story of this title and the Book...
Intertextuality and Influence Edith Sitwell
ES loved Christina Rossetti from her childhood, and later thoroughly admired Gertrude Stein . As a young woman, however, she believed: Women's poetry, with the exception of Sappho . . . and Goblin MarketChristina Rossetti and...
Intertextuality and Influence Angela Carter
Carter attributes the idea for Love to Benjamin Constant 's nineteenth-century novel Adolphe. Linden Peach also notes intertextual references to Edgar Allan Poe 's poem Annabel Lee, and Nathaniel Hawthorne 's novel The Scarlet Letter.
Peach, Linden. Angela Carter. St Martin’s Press.
59, 62-7
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Lewis
Poe continued to be involved with SL 's poetry until his death in 1849. For example, he returned her poem The Prisoner of Perotè to her with a message: I think this the most spirited...
Literary responses Catharine Maria Sedgwick
CMS received considerable critical and popular acclaim during her lifetime: Nathaniel Hawthorne described her as our most truthful novelist,
Foster, Edward Halsey. Catharine Maria Sedgwick. Twayne.
and her literary admirers also included James Fenimore Cooper and Edgar Allan Poe . Her...
Literary responses Lydia Howard Sigourney
Edgar Allan Poe , reviewing this book for the Southern Literary Messenger, thought that LHS did too much borrowing: from Hannah More , William Cowper , William Wordsworth , and Byron . Critic Emily Stipes Watts
Literary responses Lydia Howard Sigourney
Edgar Allan Poe 's review of the US version in Graham's Magazine withdrew the charge of imitating Hemans that he had formerly levelled at LHS . She had now, he felt, found her own voice.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Literary responses Sarah Lewis
According to John H. Ingram , Poe was presented with the manuscript before its publication. At the same time he received $100 from the Lewises, which he badly needed, and which seems to have been...
Literary responses Sarah Lewis
Poe 's complex involvement in SL 's writing career played a significant role in the development of her literary reputation. According to The Poe Log, around May 1849 she asked Poe to compose an...


About June 1827: Writing as a Bostonian, Edgar Allan Poe published...

Writing climate item

About June 1827

Writing as a Bostonian, Edgar Allan Poe published his first volume of poetry, Tamerlane and Other Poems, at his own expense.

About April 1831: Edgar Allan Poe's third volume of verse was...

Writing climate item

About April 1831

Edgar Allan Poe 's third volume of verse was entitled Poems; it included the well-known piece To Helen.

November 1839: Edgar Allan Poe published Tales of the Grotesque...

Writing climate item

November 1839

Edgar Allan Poe published Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, which included The Fall of the House of Usher.

1 April 1841: Graham's Magazine, published in Philadelphia...

Writing climate item

1 April 1841

Graham's Magazine, published in Philadelphia (which had Edgar Allan Poe on its staff and published much of his work), carried his The Murders in the Rue Morgue, often called the first detectivestory.

1843: Edgar Allan Poe published The Pit and the...

Writing climate item


Edgar Allan Poe published The Pit and the Pendulum, whose suspense and threatened horror have made it one of his best-known stories.

19 November 1845: Edgar Allan Poe published The Raven and Other...

Writing climate item

19 November 1845

Edgar Allan Poe published The Raven and Other Poems.

1846: Edgar Allan Poe published The Philosophy...

Writing climate item


Edgar Allan Poe published The Philosophy of Composition.

December 1848: Edgar Allan Poe published The Poetic Principle...

Writing climate item

December 1848

Edgar Allan Poe published The Poetic Principle in The Southern Literary Messenger after presenting it as a successful public lecture in Providence earlier in December.

9 October 1849: Rufus Griswold (later editor and publicist...

Writing climate item

9 October 1849

Rufus Griswold (later editor and publicist of Edgar Allan Poe ) published Poe's now-famous poemAnnabel Lee in the New York Daily Tribune in an obituary two days after the author's mysterious death.


Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Philosophy of Composition”. Selections from the Critical Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, edited by Frederick Clarke Prescott and Frederick Clarke Prescott, Gordian Press, 1981, pp. 150-66.
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Editors Stedman, Edmund Clarence and George Edward Woodberry, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1895.