Emily Stipes Watts

Standard Name: Watts, Emily Stipes


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Literary responses Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The book was published to ridicule and condemnation from the New York Sun and the Chicago Herald,
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. The Worlds and I. Gay and Hancock.
but five hundred citizens of Milwaukee united for an evening of honorific reading of EWW 's...
Literary responses Ella Wheeler Wilcox
In 1951, however, the poet Louise Bogan set out to recuperate her as the founder of a whole feminine school of rather daring verse on the subject of feminine and masculine emotions.
Watts, Emily Stipes. The Poetry of American Women from 1632 to 1945. University of Texas Press.
Emily Stipes Watts
Literary responses Sarah Wentworth Morton
During her lifetime SWM was seen as standing at the head of a national tradition of women's writing: in 1791 she was flattered with the honorific titles of both the Sappho and the Elizabeth Montagu
Literary responses Lydia Howard Sigourney
Edgar Allan Poe , reviewing this book for the Southern Literary Messenger, thought that LHS did too much borrowing: from Hannah More , William Cowper , William Wordsworth , and Byron . Critic Emily Stipes Watts
Literary responses Lydia Howard Sigourney
Literary historian Emily Stipes Watts and others have noted Sigourney's high reputation in her own day (the female Milton, the American Hemans, the sweet singer of Hartford, generally ranked higher than William Cullen Bryant
Textual Features Ella Wheeler Wilcox
This poem, about 3,500 lines long, is written mostly in couplets of anapestic tretrameter with other feet like iambs and trochees here and there, many lines than run on past the rhyme-word, and with caesura...
Textual Features Lydia Howard Sigourney
Many of the poems in this volume are about the deaths of children. Mothers and men (particularly ministers) are elegised in her poems as well, but LHS saves her keenest feelings for mothers (and sometimes...


No timeline events available.


Watts, Emily Stipes. The Poetry of American Women from 1632 to 1945. University of Texas Press, 1977.