Kay Dick

Standard Name: Dick, Kay
Used Form: Edward Lane


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Ivy Compton-Burnett
Her relationship with a close woman friend, Stevie Smith , became the subject of a book by a younger friend, Kay Dick , in 1971.
Friends, Associates Ivy Compton-Burnett
After Jourdain's death, ICB 's circle of friends included George Furlong , Rex Brandreth , Barbara and Walter Robinson , Soame Jenyns , Elizabeth Taylor , Sonia Orwell (widow of the writer George Orwell), Australian-born...
Friends, Associates Stevie Smith
Her large circle of friends also included Sally Chilver (author of A History of Socialism), novelists Inez Holden , Olivia Manning , and Cecily Mackworth , Kay Dick (assistant editor of John O'London's Weekly...
Friends, Associates Olivia Manning
OM 's friends included a number of fellow-writers: William Gerhardi , Ivy Compton-Burnett (whom she had first met before the war, at a party given by Rose Macaulay , and whose work she deeply admired),...
Literary responses Daisy Ashford
J. M. Barrie praised the liveliness of the writing: How incomparably, for instance, the authoress dives into her story at once. How cunningly throughout she keeps us on the hooks of suspense, jumping to Mr...
Literary responses Daisy Ashford
Daisy Ashford: Her Book did not have the hoped-for success, perhaps because it was published so soon after the The Young Visiters and inevitably drew comparisons.
Malcomson, R. M. Daisy Ashford: Her Life. Chatto & Windus, 1984.
Writing in The Times in 1968, Kay Dick
Literary responses Elizabeth Taylor
Reviews of A Game of Hide and Seek included high praise from Marghanita Laski and Elizabeth Bowen (some consolation to ET for her problems with her US publisher), but also carping which she found deeply...
Reception Daisy Ashford
In her 1968 article looking back on DA 's career, titled Mrs. Devlin's Past, Kay Dick referred to The Young Visiters as a fortuitously lucky accident for its author, then a woman of 38...


No timeline events available.


Moore, Reginald, and Kay Dick, editors. Windmill. Kraus Reprint Company, 3 vols.