Germaine de Staël

Standard Name: Staël, Germaine de
Birth Name: Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker
Married Name: Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël
Used Form: Germaine de Stael
GS is remembered primarily for her political activism and the salons she established following the French Revolution; history, politics, and culture were certainly among her frequent literary subjects. The same interests inform her highly successful and influential novels, some short stories and, less significantly, plays. Other writings include literary criticism and personal letters.
Winegarten, Renee. Mme de Staël. Berg.
Her anglophilia and her attention to English literature and culture gave her particular importance for British women writers.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features Maria Jane Jewsbury
The second story, The History of a Nonchalant is an early fictional treatment of religious doubt as suffered by its intellectual male protagonist, Charles. He travels to Rome, where he marries an Italian poet...
Textual Features Lydia Maria Child
LMC 's first four subjects were all known for their writings and for their resistance to tyrannical authority, either political or religious, but she is more interested here in what she alleges to have been...
Textual Features Julia Kavanagh
In her preface JK explains her interest in the rise of the novel and argues that novels have become the teachers for good or for evil of many; their power can be exalted or deplored—it...
Textual Features Julia Kavanagh
JK successfully blends scholarly knowledge with popular style. Her historical and critical opinions are still well worth reading. On the great length of Scudéry 's romances, she cites a contemporary reader who had reached page...
Textual Features Helen Craik
Authors quoted on HC 's title-page include La Rochefoucauld . Mary Robinson 's Walsingham is quoted in volume two and supplies the epigraph for volume three.
Craciun, Adriana, and Kari E. Lokke, editors. “The New Cordays: Helen Craik and British Representations of Charlotte Corday, 1793-1800”. Rebellious Hearts: British Women Writers and the French Revolution, State University of New York Press, pp. 193-32.
The story opens shortly before the French Revolution...
Textual Production Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire
Her subjects include such remarkable women as Bess of Hardwick and her own friend Germaine de Staël .
Textual Production Mary Matilda Betham
MMB 's collateral descendant Ernest Betham makes much use in relating her family history of a Memorandum Book, from my Birth, 1776, till July, 1795, which covers some of the functions of both autobiography...
Textual Production L. E. L.
LEL contributed metrical versions of the heroine's improvisations to Isabel Hill 's influential (though unwilling) translation of Germaine de Staël 's Corinne.
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
L. E. L.,. “Introduction”. The Fate of Adelaide, edited by Francis Jacques Sypher, Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints.
Staël, Germaine de. Corinne; or, Italy. Translators Hill, Isabel and L. E. L., A. L. Burt.
Textual Production Catherine Fanshawe
The letter that CF wrote about her first meeting with Germaine de Staël (also, apparently, her first meeting with Byron ) concentrates firmly on de Staël: Eloquence is a great word, but not too big...
Textual Production Mary Wollstonecraft
It was dedicated to the French statesman Talleyrand , a supporter of the Revolution and the reputed lover of Germaine de Staël . She produced a second, revised edition by the end of the year...
Textual Production Lydia Maria Child
In 1832 appeared The Biographies of Madame de Staël and Madame Roland and The Biographies of Lady Russell and Madame Guyon. The following year came Good Wives—which in later editions sometimes appeared as...
Textual Production Elizabeth Grant
She also admitted a hope that, if published, the journal might turn a profit for her children, but felt ambivalent about becoming a published author.
Grant, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. The Highland Lady in Ireland, edited by Andrew Tod, Canongate, p. vii - xiii.
She wrote that she would rather no one had...
Textual Production Elizabeth Meeke
The title-page specifies several of Du Deffand's correspondents, including Montesquieu and Germaine de Staël . Voltaire 's letters to Du Deffand receive special billing. Meeke presumably also provided the translations of The French Booksellers' Address...
Textual Production Jane Austen
John Murray was apparently planning a collected edition of JA 's novels in 1831, when Cassandra Austen wrote on 20 May with detailed queries about it, but the project did not go through. A year...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Anita Brookner
AB relishes all this. But she writes with tactful sympathy of Germaine de Staël and her younger, mostly unreciprocating lovers, and of Judith Gautier (daughter of Théophile ), who deserves to be remembered not only...


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