Pierre Corneille

Standard Name: Corneille, Pierre


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Marie-Catherine de Villedieu
It was published, with other poems attributed to Desjardins, in 1660 in the fifth volume of a serial miscellany edited by Charles de Sercy , Poésies choisies de MM. Corneille , Boisrobert . ....
Education Rose Tremain
RT and her English teacher assumed that she would do A level exams at Crofton Grange and then try for a place at Oxford: she needed only to work harder at Latin.
Tremain, Rose. Rosie. Scenes from a Vanished Life. Chatto, 2018.
152-3, 158
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Murray
Frances Milton never blames her father for his unkindness; she still owes him total gratitude and devotion, which she seems to regard as on a par with our debt of love and gratitude to God...
Intertextuality and Influence Charlotte Nooth
The novel combines domestic humour and social satire. The courtship of Eglantine Fortescue and the young officer Augustus Fitzroy is almost overshadowed by the broad-brush picture of their families and friends. Eglantine incurs disapproval first...
Intertextuality and Influence Hannah Brand
The volume also contains another tragedy, a blank-verse heroic comedy (The Conflict; or, Love, Honour and Pride, adapted from Pierre Corneille 's Don Sanche d'Arragon), and a prose comedy, Adelinda. In...
Performance of text Katherine Philips
KP 's Pompey, a tragedy translated from Pierre Corneille , was performed at the Smock Alley Theatre (also known as the Theatre Royal, Dublin).
This purpose-built theatre, finer than London could offer at...
Performance of text Katherine Philips
KP 's tragedy Horace, translated from the French of Pierre Corneille and completed after her death by Sir John Denham , was posthumously performed at the English Court.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Poets. Editor Lonsdale, Roger, Clarendon Press, 2006, 4 vols.
1: 361n26
Textual Features Anne Dacier
Dacier maintained that Terence had conformed in his plots to the unities of time, place, and action (which were highly valued by pundits of the time, and obeyed by French classical tragedians like Corneille and...
Textual Features Isabella Neil Harwood
The Cid (like the more famous, seventeenth-century play of that title by Pierre Corneille ) begins with the heroine Ximena in love with Rodrigo. Her love turns to hate when she discovers that he was...
Textual Production Elizabeth Inchbald
EI began work in 1807 on a prose translation of the plays of Pierre Corneille , but later abandoned it. She was offered, but declined, invitations to write for the new Quarterly Review and to...
Textual Production Elizabeth Montagu
Her full title is An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets, With some Remarks Upon the Misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire.
Montagu, Elizabeth. Essay on Shakespear. 1st ed., J. Dodsley, 1769.
She spelled...
Textual Production Sarah Fielding
SF has recently been credited by modern scholars with the authorship of an anonymous pamphlet of 1750: A Comparison between the Horace of Corneille and the Roman Father of Mr. Whitehead, which was ascribed...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Elizabeth Montagu
The patriotic element in EM 's reading of Shakespeare is crucial. She magisterially rebukes Voltaire's view of her admired author as having been primitive and unpolished, and seeks to outmanoeuvre the prestige of the French...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sydney Owenson Lady Morgan
Morgan describes chiefly Paris and its society, ostensibly on the model of Germaine de Staël 's L'Allemagne. She does indeed include French culture centrally among her topics: she criticises the works of Corneille and...


1637: Pierre Corneille's French classical tragedy...

Writing climate item


Pierre Corneille 's French classical tragedy Le Cid was staged in London and translated into English.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.

1641: Pierre Corneille published his classical...

Writing climate item


Pierre Corneille published his classical tragedy Horace, which had been first performed the previous year.
Philips, Katherine. Collected Works. Editors Thomas, Patrick et al., Stump Cross Books, 1990–1993, 3 vols.
3: 119

13 July 1793: Charlotte Corday, a Royalist from Normandy,...

National or international item

13 July 1793

Charlotte Corday , a Royalist from Normandy, assassinated Marat as he lay in his bath.
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
Lefebvre, Georges. The French Revolution. Routledge and K. Paul, 1962.
Craciun, Adriana, and Kari E. Lokke, editors. “The New Cordays: Helen Craik and British Representations of Charlotte Corday, 1793-1800”. Rebellious Hearts: British Women Writers and the French Revolution, State University of New York Press, 2001, pp. 193-32.


Corneille, Pierre. Horace. Translators Philips, Katherine and Sir John Denham, Henry Herringman, 1669.
Corneille, Pierre. Pompey. Translator Philips, Katherine, 1st ed., Samuel Dancer, 1663.