
Standard Name: Bryher
Birth Name: Annie Winifred Ellerman
Self-constructed Name: Bryher
Indexed Name: A. W. Ellerman
Indexed Name: Winifred Bryher
Indexed Name: W. Bryher
Nickname: Dolly
Nickname: Boy
In considering the paucity of credit given to Bryher for her patronage of the influential Contact Press , critic Jayne Marek describes her as an invisible woman.
Marek, Jayne E. Women Editing Modernism: "Little" Magazines & Literary History. University Press of Kentucky, 1995.
Bryher is even less recognized as a writer than a patron: most of her texts are now out of print and have received little critical attention. Her novels, poems, memoirs, and criticism, together spanning much of the twentieth century, form a significant contribution to the development of Anglo-American modernism, particularly through their French and Imagist influences, and their explorations of topics including women's education, gender mutability, psychoanalysis, and film technology.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Harriet Shaw Weaver
HSW and Bryher were good friends who collaborated on publication projects (Marianne Moore 's Poems, H. D. 's Hymen, and others) and travelled together.
Lidderdale, Jane, and Mary Nicholson. Dear Miss Weaver. Viking, 1970.
177, 244-6, 465
Friends, Associates Sylvia Beach
Friends and patrons Dorothy Richardson and Bryher were tireless in recruiting women subscribers to sustain Shakespeare and Company .
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
In Paris ES frequented Sylvia Beach 's bookshop. She saw more than before of Gertrude Stein , whom she liked for her personal qualities but called the last writer whom any other writer in the...
Friends, Associates Mary Butts
In Paris in the 1920s MB engaged with other modernist writers and literary people, including James Joyce , Djuna Barnes , Robert McAlmon , Ford Madox Ford , Bryher , Peggy Guggenheim , Ethel Colburn Mayne
Friends, Associates Ivy Compton-Burnett
The shifting, erratic, oddly mixed wartime social scene
Spurling, Hilary. Secrets of a Woman’s Heart. Hodder and Stoughton, 1984.
enabled ICB to become more outgoing, and she established friendships with H. D. , Bryher , and Una Pope-Hennessy . She called HD Mrs Aldington...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
In June 1923, DR met and began a friendship with Bryher , who went on to provide her with various kinds of support for the rest of her life. Gloria Fromm describes Bryher as a...
Health Dorothy Richardson
Macmillan was an American who had intended to go into the priesthood, but left an Episcopal seminary to come to England when he found himself unable to continue his vocation. By the time DR went...
Health H. D.
The father this time was Bryher 's second husband, Kenneth Macpherson , with whom HD had been having an affair since 1926, and whom, some months before this event, she had allowed to adopt her...
Health H. D.
Not long after this, at the urging of Bryher , she met with therapist Hanns Sachs for psychoanalysis in Berlin. Bryher had also undergone psychoanalysis with Sachs. He diagnosed HD as having a mother...
Health H. D.
Already suffering from anaemia and meningitis, H. D. began to be convinced that World War Three had actually begun. Bryher moved her to the Klinik Kusnacht in Zurich, Switzerland.
Friedman, Susan Stanford. “’Remembering Shakespeare Always, But Remembering Him Differently’: H.D.’s By Avon River”. Sagetrieb, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June–30 Nov. 1983, pp. 45-70.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothy Richardson
Though DR did not meet her future friend and supporter Bryher until several months after the publication of Revolving Lights in early 1923, critics have noted many points of thematic and structural similarity between Richardson's...
Literary responses Violet Hunt
VH 's biography was warmly received both formally and informally. H. D. (Hilda Doolittle ) wrote to Hunt from Switzerland on 30 September 1932, imagining [h]ow happy the book must make you! The style...
Material Conditions of Writing H. D.
H. D. 's aesthetic manifesto, Notes on Thought and Vision, written in July 1919 when she and Bryher visited the Isles of Scilly, was posthumously published with the date of 1982.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Boughn, Michael. H.D.: A Bibliography 1905-1990. University Press of Virginia, 1993.
Occupation H. D.
HD's film writing of the 1930s went along with the actual making of films. Together with Bryher , she helped to set up Pool Films or POOL , whose productions included Wingbeat, Foothills...
Occupation Edith Sitwell
It was well attended by women writers. Ivy Compton-Burnett and Bryher were there, and H. D. and Vita Sackville-West were among the other readers on the evening's programme. Dorothy Wellesley was to have read also...


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