Susan B. Anthony

Standard Name: Anthony, Susan B.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Isabella Ormston Ford
Through her mother's connection with the women's movement of the mid-Victorian period, IOF met Millicent Garrett Fawcett and her sister Agnes Garrett , with whom Isabella and her sister Bessie became close friends and correspondents...
Friends, Associates Sojourner Truth
ST 's vocation brought her into contact with many eminent people, from Abraham Lincoln downwards. She shared a platform with Frederick Douglass on a famous occasion when she challenged his faith by demanding whether God...
Friends, Associates Frances E. W. Harper
Her work for women's rights and racial equality in the United States led to relationships with Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Harriet Tubman , Frederick Douglass , Susan B. Anthony , and Lucretia Mott .
Boyd, Melba Joyce. Discarded Legacy. Wayne State University Press, 1994.
116-17, 126, 225
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Aurora Leigh was welcomed with enthusiasm by many female writers and feminists: it became a touchstone of Victorian feminist poetry for its unrivalled ambition and the scope of its achievement. One moving testimony to its...
Intertextuality and Influence Adrienne Rich
In Culture and Anarchy (titled after the famous essay collection by Matthew Arnold , 1869 ), Rich mixes her own poetry with the words of nineteenth-century Anglo-American women writers Jane Addams , Susan B. Anthony
Occupation Pandita Ramabai
Her time in the USA was largely spent fundraising: on 13 December 1887 she founded the Ramabai Association to fund the creation of a home that would educate young, high-caste widows in Bombay(now Mumbai)...
Performance of text Sojourner Truth
At the national conference for women's rights in Worcester, Massachusetts (where Lucy Stone was present, though not Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Susan B. Anthony , ST gave one of the first of her well-known public addresses.
Painter, Nell Irvin. Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol. W. W. Norton, 1996.
Dow, Bonnie J. “How the Battle of Memory Was Won”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2014, pp. 3-4.
politics Antoinette Brown Blackwell
Considered to be conservative as a suffragist, though reformist in her views, ABB believed that religion had the potential to empower women and promote equality if the church allowed them into leadership roles. Radicals such...
politics Mary Ann Shadd Cary
MASC , who had long been an advocate of women's rights and suffrage, became more actively involved in supporting these movements after the Civil War. In 1878 she was invited by Susan B. Anthony and...
politics Rebecca Harding Davis
Critics are still divided on RHD 's attitude towards suffrage. Jean Pfaelzer explains: Although Davis was concerned about abolition, temperance reform, divorce law, and prostitution, it appears that she never joined groups or walked in...
politics Harriet Beecher Stowe
HBS remained fairly indifferent to women's rights for a long time. As late as 1869, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony wanted her to publish a story on the issue, HBS commented that...
Textual Production Gertrude Stein
GS 's The Mother of Us All, an opera about Susan B. Anthony , appeared in print the year after her death. This opera was her second collaboration with Virgil Thomson . The music...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Gertrude Stein
The opera dramatizes Susan B. Anthony 's unflinching struggle for women's suffrage in the United States and expresses GS 's high regard for women's courage. It also embodies her hostility towards male aggression and the...
Travel Annie Besant
AB attended the Chicago World's Fair (where other speakers included Susan B. Anthony and Julia Ward Howe ) as Theosophist Henry Steele Olcott 's representative at the Chicago Parliament of Religions.
Taylor, Anne, 1932 -. Annie Besant: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1992.


May 1863: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton...

National or international item

May 1863

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton founded the Women's Loyal National League to oppose slavery in the USA.
Sherr, Lynn. Failure is Impossible: Susan B. Anthony in her Own Words. Times Books, 1995.
Barry, Kathleen. Susan B. Anthony: A Biography of a Singular Feminist. New York University Press, 1988.
Trager, James. The Women’s Chronology: A Year-by-Year Record, from Prehistory to the Present. Henry Holt, 1994.
The name of the League is inconsistently given in sources. Trager lists...

June 1866: The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution...

National or international item

June 1866

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which gave male Negroes the vote, was drafted so as to deny the vote to women.
James, Joseph B. The Framing of the Fourteenth Amendment. University of Illinois Press, 1965.
130, 203
Faber, Doris. Petticoat Politics: How American Women Won the Right to Vote. Lothrip, Lee and Shepard, 1967.

After February 1869: Two years after its launch, the American...

National or international item

After February 1869

Two years after its launch, the American Equal Rights Association voted to support the US Congress 's proposed fifteenth amendment (which enabled male suffrage for Black people without waiting for white women to attain the vote).
Dow, Bonnie J. “How the Battle of Memory Was Won”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2014, pp. 3-4.

Between 1881 and 1886: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony,...

Writing climate item

Between 1881 and 1886

Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Susan B. Anthony , and Matilda Joslyn Gage published the first three volumes of their History of Woman Suffrage. They dedicated the first volume to the memory of Mary Wollstonecraft .
Dow, Bonnie J. “How the Battle of Memory Was Won”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2014, pp. 3-4.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.

1895: Elizabeth Cady Stanton's The Woman's Bible...

Building item


Elizabeth Cady Stanton 's The Woman's Bible was published in New York.
Franck, Irene, and David Brownstone. Women’s World: A Timeline of Women in History. HarperCollins; HarperPerennial, 1995.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Gordon, Linda. “A Passion for Equality”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 1, Jan.–Feb. 2006, pp. 3-4.
The first-edition copy at the University of Alberta was the one presented by the author to Susan B. Anthony .

26 June to 5 July 1899: The International Council of Women sponsored...

Building item

26 June to 5 July 1899

The International Council of Women sponsored the International Congress of Women , a ten-day conference held at Westminster Town Hall in London. Those attending included Susan B. Anthony , Sidney Webb , Josephine Butler

15 March 1906: An estimated 10,000 people attended the funeral...

Writing climate item

15 March 1906

An estimated 10,000 people attended the funeral of Susan B. Anthony in Rochester, New York. After the church was full the rest waited outside in biting wind and falling snow, until after the service...


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