Several of MGF's sisters were concerned with the status of women. Elizabeth Garrett (later Elizabeth Garrett Anderson) was pre-eminent amongst them: she became the first female doctor in Britain, whose successful entrance to, and...
Friends, Associates
Isabella Ormston Ford
Through her mother's connection with the women's movement of the mid-Victorian period, IOF met Millicent Garrett Fawcett and her sister Agnes Garrett, with whom Isabella and her sister Bessie became close friends and correspondents...
Textual Production
Millicent Garrett Fawcett
MGF's travels to Palestine were enabled by a gift of £500 which she received on New Year's Day 1920. The money (wrote the donor) was to be used strictly for pleasure rather than political...
Millicent Garrett Fawcett
In her later years (1921-1929) MGF travelled for pleasure with her sister Agnes, though political considerations were never absent from her field of vision. She visited Palestine (then under British administration) four times, and...