To all eyes she lived as Munby's servant; she often still slept in the basement kitchen. In the evenings, however, she played the role of a lady wife, sitting with Munby in the parlour, conversing...
Cultural formation
Samuel Johnson
James Boswell
recorded a crushing response made by SJ
as part of his account of hearing Margaret Bell
, c. 1708-77, a Quaker minister, preach at Lombard Street meeting.
Lustig, Irma S. “The Myth of Johnson’s Misogyny in the Life of Johnson: Another View”. Boswell in Scotland and Beyond, edited by Thomas Crawford and Thomas Crawford, Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 1997.
Janet Little
She offered to dedicate the book to James Boswell
, who suggested the child aristocrat instead. Few copies now contain the dedication.
Brady, Frank. James Boswell, the Later Years, 1769-1795. Heinemann, 1984.
464, 572
helped to drum up subscribers, who numbered in the end...
Evelyn Sharp
received her first education at home, from her sisters Ethel, Bertha, and Mabel (the eldest), who taught the younger ones Bible stories on Sundays. At the same time she imbibed from her brothers the...
Mary Palmer
Mary showed an early talent for drawing which influenced the development of her brother Joshua.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
She and her next sister, Elizabeth, did little things in visual art (in the condescending phrase of James Boswell
Patricia Highsmith
went to various schools. She was removed from her first NewYork public school because her grandmother objected to her making friends with black children. Then came a small and select private school which she...
Family and Intimate relationships
Caroline Scott
Caroline's father, born Archibald James Edward Stewart
, was the son of a duke's daughter (though this identity became a matter for dispute). He was one of two claimants to the landed estates of his...
Family and Intimate relationships
Anna Seward
James Boswell
seems to have attempted seducing AS
. Though she granted him the lock of her hair which he begged in May 1784 (still in existence, still auburn in colour),
Brady, Frank. James Boswell, the Later Years, 1769-1795. Heinemann, 1984.
she discerned and...
Family and Intimate relationships
Hannah More
and Boswell
paid a visit to the school run by HM
's sisters in Bristol.
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
Family and Intimate relationships
Hannah More
Others who were said to have proposed to her but been rejected were John Langhorne
, rector of Blagdon in Somerset, and the already elderly Lord Monboddo
. More and Langhorne remained friends, and he...
Family and Intimate relationships
Eglinton Wallace
impressed James Boswell
with her poems, but also disgusted him by what he called her indelicacy,
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell, Laird of Auchinleck, 1778-1782. Editors Reed, Joseph W. and Frederick A. Pottle, McGraw-Hill, 1977.
a criticism which one of his editors attributes to her independence and her ability to give...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins
Through her family EST
was said to have made the acquaintance of many persons of talent of that period.
qtd. in
Tomlins, Elizabeth Sophia. “Introduction”. The Victim of Fancy, edited by Daniel Cook, Pickering and Chatto, 2009, p. xi - xxxi.
R. N., a family friend from Jamaica, helped her with her language studies...
Friends, Associates
Maria Riddell
She had already by this date, on a visit to London, met Boswell
, the biographer, and found him a stranger biped than any she knew.
MacNaughton, Angus. Burns’ Mrs Riddell. A Biography. Volturna Press, 1975.
By this time, too, her political contacts included...
Friends, Associates
Samuel Johnson
Johnson had a talent for friendship which he kept well exercised: the names mentioned here represent only a selection of his friendships. His early London friends, whom he met during a comparatively poorly documented period...
Friends, Associates
Ivy Compton-Burnett
Liddell was to remain one of ICB
's close friends. She maintained a benevolent, almost aunt-like relationship with him, and although resident abroad he was an important source of support after Jourdain's death. He later...
15 November 1762-3 August 1763: Beginning on the day on which he left Scotland...
Writing climate item
15 November 1762-3 August 1763
Beginning on the day on which he left Scotland for London, James Boswell
kept the journal which was eventually published as London Journal.
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell’s London Journal, 1762-1763. Editor Pottle, Frederick A., William Heinemann, 1950.
39, 333
February 1768: James Boswell published his composite work...
Writing climate item
February 1768
James Boswell
published his composite work on the Corsican liberation struggle: An Account of Corsica; the Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
25 (1768): 172-81
British Library Catalogue.
Ruxin, Paul. “Review of James T. Boulton and T. O. McLoughlin, eds., Boswell, An Account of CorsicaJohnsonian New Letter, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 2007, pp. 52-6.
11 April 1773: Boswell asked Johnson the reason why women...
Building item
11 April 1773
asked Johnson
the reason why women servants were paid so much less than men, although the opposite would seem to reflect natural justice; Johnson had no answer.
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Editors Hill, George Birkbeck and Laurence Fitzroy Powell, Clarendon, 1934, 6 vols.
2: 216-17
3 April 1775: Lord Pembroke told James Boswell about a...
Building item
3 April 1775
Lord Pembroke
told James Boswell
about a London brothel in the habit of employing exclusively black women (it had recently gone mixed).
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 1774-1776. Editors Ryskamp, Charles and Frederick A. Pottle, William Heinemann, 1963.
Henderson, Tony. Disorderly Women. Longman, 1999.
15 January 1778: A Scottish court found in favour of Joseph...
Building item
15 January 1778
A Scottish court found in favour of Joseph Knight
, a slave of African origin who had been brought to Scotland and now sued for his liberty. In effect this abolished slavery in Scotland: a...
1 October 1785: The year after Johnson's death, Boswell published...
Writing climate item
1 October 1785
The year after Johnson
's death, Boswell
published The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides.
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell: The English Experiment, 1785-1789. Editors Lustig, Irma S. and Frederick A. Pottle, Heinemann, 1986.
April 1791: The month before the appearance of his Life...
Writing climate item
April 1791
The month before the appearance of his Life of Samuel Johnson
, and as parliament debated the bill to abolish slavery, James Boswell
published a long poem entitled No Abolition of Slavery; or, The Universal...
16 May 1791: James Boswell published The Life of Samuel...
Writing climate item
16 May 1791
James Boswell
published The Life of Samuel Johnson, on the twenty-eighth anniversary of the day that he and Johnson first met.
Brady, Frank. James Boswell, the Later Years, 1769-1795. Heinemann, 1984.
28 December 1817: The painter Benjamin Haydon held what later...