Robert Southey

Standard Name: Southey, Robert
Robert Southey was a Romantic poet, one of the Lake Poets with Wordsworth and Coleridge . In addition to epics, ballads, and other verse, he penned several plays and contributed regularly to the ToryQuarterly Review. His prose works, for which he was celebrated during his lifetime, were primarily historical, ecclesiastical,and biographical, in addition to travel writing. He also produced translations (from French and Spanish), editions, and anthologies. He enjoyed an excellent reputation in his day, and for his last thirty years of life served as Poet Laureate.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Anna Jane Vardill
In September 1819 the European Magazine carried a poem in praise of AJV , in which various Muses compete for possession of her.
Axon, William E. A., and Ernest Hartley Coleridge. “Anna Jane Vardill Niven, the Authoress of ’Christobell,’ the Sequel to Coleridge’s ’Christabel.’ With a Bibliography. With an Additional Note on ’Christabel’”. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, Vol.
2nd series 28
, 1970, pp. 57-88.
In 1821 Alfred Beauchamp , editor of the Magazine, praised...
Literary responses Melesina Trench
Before publishing MT 's private writings, her son showed them to Edward FitzGerald . Fitzgerald responded positively, judging them the equal of published letters by the writers Horace Walpole and Robert Southey . He showed...
Literary responses Elizabeth Tollet
ET 's reputation persisted for some time after her death. Mary Scott praised her highly in The Female Advocate, 1774. John Duncombe (though her posthumous publication was too late for inclusion in his Feminiad...
Literary responses Mary Matilda Betham
MMB said that this book received flattering praises in reviews.
Betham, Mary Matilda. “Preface”. Crow-Quill Flights.
It also brought compliments of some distinguished persons and two tributary effusions from writers from profession: Mr J. (apparently Edward Jerningham ) and...
Literary responses Jane Taylor
Most famous and beloved of all the contents of these books is undoubtedly Jane's The Star, better known as Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, sometimes classed as a nursery rhyme, which first appeared in...
Literary responses Mary Matilda Betham
Robert Southey wrote to MMB that this volume contains so much of what is really good that I hope the same powers will one day be employed upon something of greater extent.
qtd. in
Betham, Ernest, editor. A House of Letters. Jarrold and Sons, 1905.
The Critical...
Literary responses Anna Eliza Bray
She sent Poet Laureate Robert Southey copies of both novels. He replied in a letter that, although he preferred Fitz of Fitz-Ford, both books were abundantly interesting as to character, situations, and events.
qtd. in
Bray, Anna Eliza. Autobiography of Anna Eliza Bray. Editor Kempe, John A., Chapman and Hall, 1884.
Literary responses Maria Jane Jewsbury
After reading Phantasmagoria, Wordsworth forwarded it to Robert Southey to review. MJJ 's satire of Southey in First Efforts in Criticism prompted the Poet Laureate to decline. He wrote: The best advice [I] could...
Literary responses Ann Taylor Gilbert
Those who left a record of their enthusiasm for these little books included Robert Southey , Dr Thomas Arnold of Rugby School, and Archbishop Whately . James Montgomery and Maria Edgeworth were particularly appreciative of Ann.
Armitage, Doris Mary. The Taylors of Ongar. W. Heffer and Sons, 1939.
Literary responses Anna Eliza Bray
L. E. L. contributed what AEB felt to be an ably-written review to the Literary Gazette.
Bray, Anna Eliza. Autobiography of Anna Eliza Bray. Editor Kempe, John A., Chapman and Hall, 1884.
In a letter dated 21 January 1838, Robert Southey wrote that it was a very agreeable disappointment...
Literary responses Mary Leapor
ML was by no means forgotten after her first discovery. She was praised in John Duncombe 's Feminiadand accorded the largest share of space in Poems by Eminent Ladies.William Cowper , who...
Literary responses Caroline Bowles
Robert Southey thought these stories were too sad. In a letter of 17 August 1829 he called Bowles a cruel writer, for you imagine tales which I, with all my love for the writer, and...
Material Conditions of Writing Caroline Bowles
She had composed this poem while caring for Southey . She later maintained that it was inspired by a true story.
Morlier, Margaret M. “A Note on ’Goblin Market’: A Literary Source in Caroline Bowles Southey’s ’Young Grey Head’”. The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, Vol.
, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1999, pp. 49-52.
Blain, Virginia. Caroline Bowles Southey, 1786-1854. Ashgate, 1998.
Material Conditions of Writing Caroline Bowles
At the time of her marriage to Robert Southey , CB intended to produce a second story collection. She also entertained the idea of adding new pieces to an edition of Solitary Hours. By...
Occupation Ethel M. Arnold
EA presented a series of twelve lectures on the Lake PoetsRobert SoutheyWilliam WordsworthSamuel Taylor Coleridge at Mount Holyoke College, where she had delivered a lecture on the political state of England in 1910.
“Department Notes: English Literature”. The Mount Holyoke, Vol.
, 1911, p. 576,
A letter written by her sister...


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