Joseph Johnson

Standard Name: Johnson, Joseph


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer William Blake
Publishers for whom Blake worked as an engraver included the radical Joseph Johnson , friend of Wollstonecraft and others. His wife, Catherine , became for practical purposes a partner in his printing and publishing business...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Manning
AM 's paternal grandfather, James Manning , a Unitarian minister at Exeter, employed the radical publisher Joseph Johnson for at least two publications of a religious nature during the 1790s.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder.
“Books with Devon Imprints: a handlist to 1800”. Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History: Books with Local Imprints, 6.
Friends, Associates Ann Batten Cristall
ABC may have met the poet George Dyer through her brother; Dyer visited at Joshua's London lodgings and had a platonic affection for Elizabeth Cristall, who was living with her brother around 1795.
Roget, John Lewis. A History of the Old Water-Colour Society. Longmans, Green.
1:190, 189
Friends, Associates Maria Edgeworth
In London on this visit ME found comparatively little to interest her. She did, however, visit her publisher Joseph Johnson , whose support for radical writings had put him in the King's Bench Prison...
Friends, Associates Mary Wollstonecraft
On her return to London MW sought out the publisher Joseph Johnson , of 72, St Paul's Churchyard, who became her patron, helper, and friend. He introduced her to Sarah Trimmer , Anna Letitia Barbauld
Friends, Associates Charlotte Smith
Probably after Mary Wollstonecraft's death, CS became a friend of William Godwin , Elizabeth Inchbald , and Eliza Fenwick . Also a friend was the publisher Joseph Johnson .
Fletcher, Loraine. Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography. Macmillan.
261, 288
Friends, Associates Anna Letitia Barbauld
The literary society of ALB 's time was, as biographer Betsy Rodgers notes, small and intimate.
Rodgers, Betsy. Georgian Chronicle: Mrs Barbauld and her Family. Methuen.
Writers all knew each other and kept in touch; those who did not live in London visited frequently...
Friends, Associates Mary Hays
MH first met Mary Wollstonecraft at the home of Joseph Johnson .
Hays, Mary. “Chronology and Introduction”. The Correspondence (1779-1843) of Mary Hays, British Novelist, edited by Marilyn Brooks, Edwin Mellen, pp. xv - xx; 1.
Material Conditions of Writing Joanna Baillie
After reaching LondonJB published, anonymously through Joseph Johnson , Poems: Wherein it is attempted to describe Certain Views of Nature and of Rustic Manners . . ..
Baillie, Joanna. “Introduction”. The Selected Poems of Joanna Baillie, 1762-1851, edited by Jennifer Breen, Manchester University Press, pp. 1-25.
1, 26
Occupation William Godwin
The imprint M. J. Godwin and Company was launched the following year. The business flourished, becoming almost a literary salon like that of Joseph Johnson : visitors included Germaine de Staël . It remained, however...
Publishing Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan
She wrote it in summer 1805 as a guest at Longford House near Sligo.
Wordsworth, Jonathan. The Bright Work Grows: Women Writers of the Romantic Age. Woodstock Books.
In a preface written for a later edition she said that at the time it appeared it was dangerous...
Publishing Maria Edgeworth
Joseph Johnson paid three hundred pounds for this study of vocational teaching for boys.
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon.
It had taken ME two years' hard and sometimes uncongenial labour.
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon.
Publishing Mary Scott
Anna Seward was eagerly awaiting the appearance of this poem in April.
Seward, Anna. Letters of Anna Seward. Editor Constable, Archibald, Vol.
6 vols.
, A. Constable.
2: 89
Though it was published at Bath, MS 's previous publisher, Joseph Johnson , was listed on the title-page as the London...
Publishing Mary Wollstonecraft
Joseph Johnson became MW 's patron and friend as well as her publisher. He offered her accommodation in exchange for literary work when she came back to London from Ireland; he found her somewhere to...
Publishing Maria Edgeworth
She herself called this not a novel but a moral tale—a genre-name she had just used for a volume of stories for children. It grew from an earlier sketch (which has been in print since...


1758: At about the date of the founding of the...

Writing climate item


At about the date of the founding of the Warrington Academy , the Dissenter William Eyres set up a family printing press at Warrington in Lancashire.

Late 1777: Publisher Joseph Johnson issued the anonymous...

Building item

Late 1777

Publisher Joseph Johnson issued the anonymous The Laws Respecting Women, in four sections, on the personal rights of women, the property of women, crimes committed by and with women (as well as their corresponding...

By September 1791: William Cowper published, with Joseph Johnson,...

Writing climate item

By September 1791

William Cowper published, with Joseph Johnson , his blank-versetranslations of Homer 's Iliad and Odyssey: a version designed to supersede Pope 's translation in heroic couplets.

17 July 1798: Radical publisher Joseph Johnson stood trial...

Writing climate item

17 July 1798

Radical publisher Joseph Johnson stood trial for publishing the allegedly seditious Reply to Some Parts of the Bishop of Llandaff's Address.

After June 1809: Progressive publisher Joseph Johnson died,...

Writing climate item

After June 1809

Progressive publisher Joseph Johnson died, and his two nephews, John Miles and Rowland Hunter , took over the business.


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