Mary MacCarthy

Standard Name: MacCarthy, Mary
Used Form: Molly MacCarthy


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Blanche Warre Cornish
Molly , Blanche's youngest child but one, married the literary journalist and critic Desmond MacCarthy , and became a friend of Virginia Woolf .
Friends, Associates Flannery O'Connor
Others she met at Yaddo included Patricia Highsmith , who admired her seriousness, Elizabeth Hardwick , Robert Lowell , whom she hoped to convert to Catholicism, and Robert and Sally Fitzgerald , whose home she...
Friends, Associates Julia Strachey
Shortly after the wedding, Julia became the charge of Alys Russell , a suffrage and temperance activist who was also the aunt of Ray (Costelloe) Strachey , sister of writer Logan Pearsall Smith and Mary Berenson
Friends, Associates Julia Strachey
In December 1953 JS was elected to the Memoir Club , a group which, begun by Molly MacCarthy and the Bloomsbury Group in 1920, continued until the mid-1960s. Its members gathered to present autobiographical papers...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Early members of what VW called Old Bloomsbury (to distinguish the original members of the group from later additions) included Virginia and Vanessa Stephen , Leonard Woolf , Clive Bell , E. M. Forster ,...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Piecing together its intellectual family tree, scholars and critics have looked both forward and back from Bloomsbury. It has been seen as descending from the late eighteenth-century Clapham Sect (to which VW 's great-grandfather James Stephen
Friends, Associates Hope Mirrlees
After her return from Paris, HM was occupied with various friendships and interests. By now she could count Vivien and T. S. Eliot , Lytton Strachey , Molly and Desmond MacCarthy , Duncan Grant ,...
politics Dorothy Bussy
DB and her daughter Janie were active anti-Fascists during World War II, though their specific activities and affiliations are unclear. In November 1944 Vanessa Bell wrote to Molly MacCarthy about some of the Bussys' work...


No timeline events available.


MacCarthy, Mary. A Nineteenth-Century Childhood. Constable, 1985.
Cecil, Lord David, and Mary MacCarthy. “Foreword”. A Nineteenth-Century Childhood, Constable, 1985, pp. 5-13.