In December 1953 JS
was elected to the Memoir Club
, a group which, begun by Molly MacCarthy
and the Bloomsbury Group in 1920, continued until the mid-1960s. Its members gathered to present autobiographical papers...
Friends, Associates
Virginia Woolf
Piecing together its intellectual family tree, scholars and critics have looked both forward and back from Bloomsbury. It has been seen as descending from the late eighteenth-century Clapham Sect
(to which VW
's great-grandfather James Stephen
Friends, Associates
Virginia Woolf
When it began, however, it was friends and it was talk. Talk, VW
wrote in Old Bloomsbury (which she read as a paper to the Memoir Club
near the end of 1921 or in...
Julia Strachey
This story was first presented by JS
to the Memoir Club
as Animalia.
Strachey, Julia, and Frances Partridge. Julia: A Portrait of Julia Strachey. Little, Brown, 1983.
Frances Partridge
reports that the New Yorker's literary editor was especially pleased with Strachey's submission: after reading her Cheerful...
Textual Production
Virginia Woolf
read a paper about her early memories, probably 22 Hyde Park Gate, to the Memoir Club
This essay was posthumously published in Moments of Being (1976; rev. 1985).
Woolf, Virginia. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Editors Bell, Anne Olivier and Andrew McNeillie, Hogarth Press, 1977–1984, 5 vols.
2: 77n1
Virginia Woolf
described the incidents much later in 22 Hyde Park Gate, 1921, and Old Bloomsbury, 1922, both talks prepared for her friends in the Memoir Club
. She also wrote about them to Vanessa.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.